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Vaesen - Nordic Horror Roleplaying €24,02
Publisher: Free League Publishing
by Harper [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/11/2023 17:09:34

I’m in love with everything about this game!

I bought the physical copy which comes with a free copy of the PDF from DriveThru, and the book is absolutely gorgeous, and absolutely top quality printing, so definitely worth having on your shelf.

The art and storytelling in this book have a dark, dreamy, Grimm-fairy-tale kind of vibe that got me excited to play. Each class comes with a short story that got my imagination going and none of the options are predictable.

Playing the actual game is a genuinely wonderful, and proves that the Year Zero engine can handle some VERY different types of games. I’ve been playing Forbidden Lands, which is a totally different feel.

There are some great opportunities for players to inject their own ideas into the world but in a way that doesn’t stress you out like some games do.

Overall the nature of solving mysteries and living in this mythic version of Scandinavia is evocative and thrilling.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Vaesen - Nordic Horror Roleplaying
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