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Vampire: The Requiem 2nd Edition €19,40
Publisher: Onyx Path Publishing
by Edward C. O. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/15/2020 13:12:30

I purchased both the PDF and Hardcover books, so i will review the physical book, as my complaint is from that.

what can be said about Vampire? it is the flagship of CWoD with Vampire: The Masquarade, this is a reimagining of VtM, and to me, i love reading this book! the lore, the mystery of the clans and history of the covens and how to work them into the real world, which i greatly appreicate.

the theme of Requiem is living amongst humanity and battling your constant addiction to feed, while dealing with drama of your coven, explore themes of political intrigue, cloak and dagger type stories, or infighting amongst Kindred. it's very cool.

i love the setting and story hooks it provides, and if you want to explore Requiem more, the supplemental books are very good reads on their own, and if your players wants to explore further their clan, they can develop their character even more, or create some interesting npcs as well.

my main complaint is the placement/format of the information on the book, but on the PDF that kind of fixes the problem with the CTRL+F function. for me, i prefer the physical print, because it'll be much easier to have the book there so you can open up for the information, and it's confusing to find the information you need to get or know.

the book it self is amazing! like, the art itself is beautiful! well made, and very fitting of the setting the book is set in. the maroon and different shades of red the cover invokes fits.

if you want to play vampires i highly recommend it! if you want to play mortals you can play Chronicles of Darkness, and create a vampire anatgonist, so there are a lot of options to make a fun game!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Vampire: The Requiem 2nd Edition
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