The most innovatived game I've played in years!
If your truly looking for something different then this is the game for you. The original, publish in the 90s, had a great setting but had lackluster rules and convoluted character creation. This version fixes all of those problems. Like all Games, this has it’s issues which I will detail below but overall, this is a great game.
One of the best initiative systems ever. It is very weird but works to make the game fast pace. Basically, if there's no special circumstance like surprise or special ability then the players decide the initiative order for themselves and their enemies. IF they always make their enemies go last, they give the GM a special advantage. Players have to think about who goes first and why? Maybe, we let the GM go first to pool resources or take the risk and all attack at once. This turns initiative into something more than just a die roll.
Easy Rules and the tokens (victory points are fun):
If players roll well they get victory points (tokens), they can use them to increase damage/skill results, increase def, bypass enemy defenses etc. This means players are not just rolling then staring out into space. they're always managing their pool and planning their next action.
The setting:
(This is detailed in the separate lore book but the character classes/abilities tie in well with the lore) This is the best science fiction fantasy setting ever. You want knights on horseback with laser swords, you want to be a smuggler outrunning pirates in your spaceship, you want to be a psychic, space commando, clerical healer, a techie inventor—you got it. The setting has many ways to play in this universe and it all makes sense in the lore. There is a reason why melee weapons are still used even though laser pistols exist, why nobles are still in power, how a medieval world can exists with it’s own space port. Its amazing.
States (conditions like frustrated, paralyzed etc) can slow the game down. Social combat, which would normally be fast, is slowed down by flipping to the back of the book to read each description. The book makes it clear that this can be altered and are just guidelines for role playing. I just used the same penalties for all states in each category i.e. all mental states give the same penalty, all physical are the same penalties except for obvious ones like paralyze.
Why are people so iffy on this?
As much as gamers claim they want innovation, most simply want an off-brand version of one of the other major rpgs. On paper, the system seems like it wouldn’t work but at the table, it works very well. If you overthink this game, it easy to imagine it not working. But from personal experience, it not only works well but has reinvigorated my interest in the hobby.