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Fallout: The Roleplaying Game - Map Pack 1: Vault (PDF) €17,21
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Fallout: The Roleplaying Game - Map Pack 1: Vault (PDF)
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Fallout: The Roleplaying Game - Map Pack 1: Vault (PDF)
Publisher: Modiphius
by Andrew [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/31/2024 07:37:02

Completely over priced for the contents.

Maps are ok if you like Iso format, but repetative and pretty small area. For a company with such emphasis on great graphics and art, its more than disappionting. Burning a limited page count with padding like a full reprint of Protectron stats from core rule book is not helping. Location notes might save an inexperienced GM a little prep time but that's about it.

Would suggest spending money on a rpg mapping platform (not recommending one) instead.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Fallout: The Roleplaying Game - Map Pack 1: Vault (PDF)
Publisher: Modiphius
by Kaylin [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/03/2024 08:27:35

Good product but awful price.

TLDR: The cliff-notes - WAIT FOR A SALE!

Content: Good maps in PDF and VTT / 14 pages of Adventures with very short encounters adjusted for different party levels that are very basic so meh something most dms could think of just simple with a handful of generic npc stats and some small loot tables. / The last 4 pages are cover art, contents, description of what is in it. and a page for credits to creators on it.

Full review: This book has the first 4 pages (counting the cover) has the credits to those that work on the book, the cover, the contents (really small but whole page with a vault logo, and the WHATS INCLUDED IN THIS MAP PACK. No idea why it needed a full page for this but its there. Then you get full pages of 8 maps through the pdf and you do get VTT images outside of it which is nice. This would be worth 10 or 15 tops with the little adventure that is very basic being 14 pages with some decent art. So for me this should be a 15 dollar max book cause of the maps. Modiphous really is penny pinching this series but at least the 2 current core books are decent price as a pdf. This book I feel should be 10 USD or 15 cause the adventure is lackluster while the other adventure books are perfectly priced for what you get around 7 dollars 50 or so for the current time.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
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