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Delta Green: Puppet Shows & Shadow Plays
Publisher: Arc Dream Publishing
by Lex [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/17/2024 10:15:39

Very disappointed on my readthrough of this scenario given its frequent hype as one of the "classic" or "quintessential" Delta Green scenarios, as it's just not very good...

As written, there are minimal opportunities for player characters to exercise any meaningful agency to progress or develop the investigation/narrative, and are instead just handed information multiple times and being shunted into the next scene. Extremely railroady with multiple scenes bluntly forcing PCs into one possible outcome, and pre-scripted "fights" that also only have one outcome where GMs are encouraged to include bullet-sponge NPCs to take and deal all the real damage involved...

All of these critiques considered aside from the Native American religious iconography tie-ins, which feel at least somewhat problematic to me, and I would not feel comfortable portraying at the table...

I could go on, but overall, I would recommend almost any other published Delta Green scenario over this one.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Delta Green: Puppet Shows & Shadow Plays
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Saturday the 14th
Publisher: Chaosium
by Lex H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/01/2023 11:03:00

Rating: 3/5 stars

I feel like this is a fun, unique premise that could have used a little more time in the oven before publishing.

Namely, I really wanted to see more information and descriptive resources for GMs to read and apply while running the scenario, rather than relying on the Keeper to create or improvise such details from scratch. As it stands, this scenario requires too much additional work for me as a Keeper to want to run it - which is a shame. When deciding to run one-session convention scenarios, I personally want them as close to plug-and-play as possible.

For example, one section of text says "Around the [spoiler] area, the scene is complete carnage. Play up the descriptions of body parts, intestines, and destruction as you see fit. 1/1d4 SAN loss for seeing the carnage." with no additional information provided; thus foisting all responsibility for descriptions to entertain the players onto the Keeper. Even if the author intended for the descriptions to vary between locations and/or times, it would have at least been nice to have some Mork Borg-esque tables with various gory descriptions or hooks for different periods that GMs could quickly roll and refer to rather than say 'get creative!'... It's clear the author did lots of movie research and has a passion for this, but for $5 I would have liked to see a lot more detail instead of what is more of a scenario seed that lasts from pgs 11-15 on a 27 page document (the bulk of which going to handout descriptions, a map, and shrunken copies of pregen sheets that are already provided in the zipped file).

I don't usually leave lower reviews for scenario products, but I bought this because of the high player reviews on this entry, then decided to not run it bc it would take much more personal investment/effort than I wanted to put into it.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Saturday the 14th
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