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Guadalcanal Series Mission 1: Jungle Rot €3,58
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Guadalcanal Series Mission 1: Jungle Rot
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Guadalcanal Series Mission 1: Jungle Rot
Publisher: Modiphius
by Joseph [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/09/2023 12:50:09

This is a fun pulp action adventure! Jungle Rot moves really fast and has a nice combination of roleplaying, exploration, and scenes where careful planning is needed to win the day. Also, nice use of historical details to make it feel authentic to the period. While the author warns that it takes two sessions to finish it, I was able to finish it in one session, making it a great one-shot candidate.

If you're going to GM this one and are interested in some tips and tricks, check out my full video review:

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Guadalcanal Series Mission 1: Jungle Rot
Publisher: Modiphius
by James [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/11/2023 20:41:44

This is a very nice module that is well written. The scenario captures the Pacific atmosphere with its descriptions. I really like the text areas that are meant to be read to the players throughout the game. Also, the game is divided into Acts and scenes. So as a GM, one can plan when to take a pause or break in the game. I will be using this game to introduce my players to the Pacific Theater, which there is a lot of potential to play in. For a few bucks, this scenario is well worth it!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Guadalcanal Series Mission 1: Jungle Rot
Publisher: Modiphius
by Damian [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/22/2023 13:55:12

A decent enough little scenario set in the early days of the war. I'd rate it higher but (and please be aware this may only be my copy) it takes forever to load which means it's tough if you need to refer back to something, if this problem can be sorted I'd give it an extra star.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
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