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The Pugilist Class
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Marco v. S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/05/2023 12:59:13

I've always enjoyed playing classes that revolve around Martial Arts or just straight up punching people in the face, and Tavern Brawler has been one of those Feats I love to have even if it isn't always mechanically the strongest. Before I'd play Monks, Barbarians, Fighters with the newer Unarmed Fighting Style or a mixture of these, but the Pugilist brought me all I was looking for and more! Really awesome class that I cannot wait to play a ton!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Pugilist Class
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Blood and Doom Primer Bundle
Publisher: Modiphius
by Marco v. S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/24/2023 07:30:11

I've played a decent number of TTRPG systems in the past, each which had their upsides and downsides. Blood And Doom for me strikes a great balance between the crunch I appreciate in some systems, whilst still keeping it all very neat and organized. I also greatly enjoy the various tips and tools for GMs, something even after over half a decade of GMing I still find use in.

Still very happily surprised by how expansive yet easy to read all the cults and lore are. Normally I tend to lean towards either my own homebrew setting or the real world depending on what game system I'm using, but with Blood And Doom I'm actually thinking of giving this one a serious shot! As for the cults, I love how much detail is shown about what their goals are and how they seek to reach them. Too often do I find systems where this part is either left behind during writing, or becomes so hard to follow that I only end up using some monsters and writing the cult myself.

All in all, really looking forward to run this system myself and excited to see the full product take form!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Blood and Doom Primer Bundle
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