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Eternal Night of Lockwood: Adventure for ZWEIHANDER RPG €18,02
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Eternal Night of Lockwood: Adventure for ZWEIHANDER RPG
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Eternal Night of Lockwood: Adventure for ZWEIHANDER RPG
Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing
by Ash F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/06/2022 13:28:38

A really well structured and laid out adventure, I've only read the first 4-5 chapters of the adventure but so far I'm impressed. Having text boxes stating how long it's expected to take, pillars of gameplay & expected themes/tones of the chapter is extremely handy for gauging what to expect with each part. I love the attention to separating information, especially the 'Setting the Scene' text boxes that precedes each scene. Allowing you to focus more on certain senses depending on where the adventure takes you. It's clear and easy for the GM to figure out what elements to focus on with each scene, allowing to bring elements you like to the front and push others to the side.

All in all, a great purchase. I wish more RPG books would take ideas from each other on how to set out adventure books, especially with regards to information to the GM. Also, I absolutely love this style of artwork.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Eternal Night of Lockwood: Adventure for ZWEIHANDER RPG
Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing
by Gary F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/20/2022 10:02:05

Really terrific plot-point style campaign - very evocative and fits with the old-school WFRP ethic. Very spooky. Lots of different things for party to do. PDF is compact and very easy to use and navigate. Look forward to more campaigns like this. Has lots of new monsters and player professions.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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