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ZWEIHANDER Fantasy Horror RPG: Starter Kit
Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing
by Sebastián G. M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/14/2022 22:21:37

This is a grat value Starter Set. Coming first from the Zweihänder Core Rulebook, I must say the text inside this set is more clear and succinctly explained. Character creation has been streamlined and the new Ancestries make it very attractive. And overall good product!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
ZWEIHANDER Fantasy Horror RPG: Starter Kit
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ZWEIHANDER RPG Reforged Edition: Session Zero
Publisher: ZWEIHANDER Games
by Sebastián G. M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/27/2022 21:11:31

Session Zero changes the way to build characters in the good way. I used it in my last Zweihänder campaign and I felt it as an improvement to the core character creation, reads more clear and streamlined.

Now your bonuses aren't modified by your ancestry, but your attributes are slightly boosted by your upbringing and profession. I find this to be more sensible and logical.Ancestries retain their distinctive selection of traits.

The other big change (for our game at least) was the Fortune Point's mechanic. FP now fly between players and the GM in a more dynamic and fun way. Hoarding of FP was rarely seen again at our table.

The only thing missing in Session Zero compared to the Core Rulebook is the mention and use of skill Focuses, something you can easily integrate once you choose to jump to the full rules (and in all honesty, I as a GM always left the Focus explanation and implementation for a later time, though I love it).

[5 of 5 Stars!]
ZWEIHANDER RPG Reforged Edition: Session Zero
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Cities Stories: The Feast - Adventure for Zweihander RPG
Publisher: ZWEIHANDER Games
by Sebastián G. M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/24/2022 20:41:31

I ran this adventure once and was really fun. What I like the most is that gives you a solid central frame to work (the main plot), but leaves the fringes of the story open and kind of vague, which makes it a good fit for Game Masters that enjoy to tinker on published stories or want some open space to improvise events adjacent to the plot.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Cities Stories: The Feast - Adventure for Zweihander RPG
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The Well of Bones
Publisher: Rookery Publications
by Sebastián G. M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/14/2022 22:04:57

The Well of Bones is an evocative, system-agnostic location that grabs you from page one. Literally. As I read the history of the well (before the actual site intended to be played was described) I found myself thinking "man, I want to play this scenario that happens four hundred years before the actual adventure". And it only gets better after that.

The information is presented in a clear design that is easy to navigate and the art is superb.

The adventure site has many possible story arcs, and the "central" theme doesn't have a closed end but, in case you find yourself out of ideas, the story seeds hint just enough to a couple of possible closures.

One of the most important aspects to me was that the guidelines to drop The Well of Bones into any system really help you do that, and it doesn't fell as if they gravitated to an obvious system of reference.

An excellent, profesional product with an incredible price-for-content value.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Well of Bones
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Warlock! Compendium 2
Publisher: Fire Ruby Designs
by Sebastián G. M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/11/2021 06:39:05

I've been using Compendium 2 as much as the Core Rulebook for the past two months. It has all the modular rules you need to bring base Warlock! to a Renaissance dark-er game, and a very cool alternative carrer advancement system!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Warlock! Compendium 2
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Maze Rats
Publisher: Questing Beast Games
by Sebastián G. M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/13/2020 19:54:31

Maze Rats is an elegant and minimalistic OSR that aims to create fast and very narrative characters and adventures. Mechanics are simple enough to don't bog down play and tables make for very colorful characters and situations.

One interesting point is that characters are mainly defined by the equipement they get, being a classless game. For example, one of my players received a shovel, lamp, big sac and other stuff, so decided to be a tomb robber. The other one received three shackles, so slaver. If you have imaginative players, this game is pure gold.

More people should value (and play!) Maze Rats as a game on its own, and not just because of the amazing random tables it brings.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Maze Rats
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The Way of the Pukona • A World of Adventure for Fate Core
Publisher: Evil Hat Productions
by Sebastián G. M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/13/2020 19:45:00

This FATE World proposes a respectful vision of fantasy grounded in southamerican culture. Its innovative application of Approaches makes for a balanced character creation that sticks with its original references.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Way of the Pukona • A World of Adventure for Fate Core
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Fate Condensed
Publisher: Evil Hat Productions
by Sebastián G. M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/13/2020 19:42:05

An incredible necessary re-write of the Core Rules. If you ever wanted to love FATE but the reading of the original rules was just too much, THIS will get you into it and never let you go!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Fate Condensed
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7th Sea Core Rulebook (Second Edition)
Publisher: Chaosium
by Sebastián G. M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/13/2020 19:38:15

A great game that uses mechanics to stay faithful to its intended genre. Want exciting chases, daring heroics and assaulting fortresses as you slip the guards in the smoke? Then this is your game!!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
7th Sea Core Rulebook (Second Edition)
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Publisher: Fire Ruby Designs
by Sebastián G. M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/09/2020 21:14:46

I've run Warlock! for around four weeks now, and is the best light-rules, dark, low fantasy system I've played. If you are looking for something in this genre that allows you to have fast games, easy incorporation of new players, low-entry barrier, this game is for you. It keeps the flavor of old-school dark fantasy but it streamlines the heavy rulings without losing the mechanics.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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ZWEIHANDER RPG: Revised Core Rulebook
Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing
by Sebastián G. M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/14/2019 08:43:26

The more comprehensive and streamlined dark fantasy game I've ever read. It has all the virtues of old school d100 but with a modern perspective that lacks the excesive book-keeping and system flaws in other dark fantasy rulesets. My absolute favorite TTRPG right now. Quality and quantity for this price is top notch.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
ZWEIHANDER RPG: Revised Core Rulebook
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