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Publisher: Legrand Games Studio
by Ian F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/23/2022 14:38:58

The game definitely manages to emulate a comic book feel. Play is fast, streamlined and lots of fun. The rules evoke the games of the 80's (Golden Heroes, V&V, Champions, TSR's Marvel FASERIP) but are easy to learn and work really well. There is no padding. The layout is logical, easy to read and well-organised. Artwork is good.

The game allows you to play characters of power levels roughly equal to the X-Men, Marvel and DC's best street-level heroes, the Avengers and the Fantastic Four. The main level appears to be around X-Men level / Teen Titans level, unsurprisingly, as this is an 80's Supers game.

The random character generation is one of the best random generators I've seen, which allows you 'flip-flop' rolls, (e.g. a roll of 71 can also be taken as 17), and you can also choose what table of powers/skills to use after the rolls are made, if you wish. This allows truly random characters but with your own influence in the process, if you want it. It's so flexible, you can choose to play a Brick, Vigilante, Blaster etc. before you roll, and know you have enough wiggle-room to mold those random rolls to your liking. It's the first random character generator Ive seen to allow you to play the type of character you want.

You begin the game with a starting character at level 1 (or a higher one if you want), and you take your hero on a journey during which they increase in ability, training and experience. The lowest level is 1: New Face and the highest is 10: Living Legend. These levels also affect how well you are recognised and can also influence certain rolls elsewhere. Experience is gained with Victory Points, which accumulate and level-up your characters, allowing them extra points of abilities, skills or improved powers.

There is a Luck mechanic, that the GM (Editor) can use to simulate the whims of fate, which reminds me of the Marvel Saga 'Aura' reading. For example, if you are escaping a collapsing building and it's quite likely it's going to fall down at any second, the GM (Editor) rolls on the Luck table to see what happens. It's a great tool for general use and opens up more creative options. Any character with Probability powers can also influence this table, which is a neat mechanic.

Apart from the default genre setting of the 80's, other genre rules are included for Four-Colour or Gritty campaigns. Altogether, this is a wonderfully playable and fun supers game, which echoes the classic games of the 80s, but plays with an uncluttered and modern sensibility. A keeper. Five stars.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Amazing Heroes
Publisher: Amazing Tales
by A customer [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/07/2021 05:12:42

Great game, a lot of fun and easy to run and set up.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Amazing Heroes
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Creator Reply:
Thanks for the review! Those PDF issues have been fixed! And that's a great example of creative GMing with conditions.
Prowlers & Paragons Ultimate Edition
Publisher: Mobius Worlds Publishing
by A customer [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/17/2021 15:12:20

Simply the best mid-crunch Supers RPG I've ever seen in 37 years of roleplaying

As said in other reviews, it does hit a sweet spot between ICONS and Champions. It's got as much depth and detail as Mutants & Masterminds and the detail of deep character creation but without being bogged-down by number-crunching.

The narrative style is deep, creative and easy, but if you want a more traditional system of determining success in rolls, it has that option too.

Speaking of options, it also has gritty realism rules if you want a darker setting than that of it's default four-colour world.

The layout, graphics, design, writing and art is first-class and upon thorough reading, there are no apparent typos or errors.

It's also a testament to how robust and well-designed this game is, that when I converted DC and Marvel characters from other game systems, they exactly fell within the appropriate Power Levels (Street, Low Level, Standard. High Level, Legendary or Iconic) with Superman at 226 points (Iconic) Wonder Woman at 175 points (Legendary ) and Spider-Man at 107 points (Low Level)

A thoroughly top-class, beautiful and deep super hero roleplaying game.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Prowlers & Paragons Ultimate Edition
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Doctor Who - The Time Traveller's Companion
Publisher: Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.
by Ian F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/23/2012 17:06:57

In my opinion, this is the best supporting supplement for any games system I’ve seen this year. The production qualities on this book are outstanding, from the writing, to the new game mechanics and the content. There is nothing in this book that is expendable or useless. It’s a feast.

It has all the material you could ever want from the new and classic series about Time Travel, Temporal Physics, Gallifrey and Time Lords. It’s packed with detailed rules, new traits and info for dealing with regeneration, Time Travel and creating Timelords, TARDISes and more. The new rules will greatly please those who wanted more crunch and while they expand the usual lighter rules, they don’t add any unnecessary complexity.

With this book you can: -Create Time Lords (Pre and Post Time War) from any of the chapters (Prydonians, Arcalians, Patrexes, etc.). Any Time Lords seen on the series (new and classic) can be created as well as other classes like the Shobogans or plebeians.

-Create a TARDIS. New traits and all sorts of TARDIS goodies are covered along with very detailed sheets for TARDIS operation. These will satisfy the most fervent of TARDIS fans who want to pilot one in the game. All TARDIS systems are covered with game mechanics for operation and damage.

Some really nice touches: It includes stats for Renegade Timelords such as The War Chief (The War Games), Morbius, Omega and two versions of the Master (dying 13th incarnation and the insane John Simm version). Even if you won’t be using these characters, they give excellent examples and benchmarks as a starting point for your own villains and supporting characters.

The Time War and the whole of Gallifreyan history is covered and there’s a section for creating Time War weapons of cosmic-levels of nastiness. These are suitably huge enough to provide seeds for epic adventures or campaigns.

The parts on Time Travel and Temporal physics also provide tons of campaign or plot seeds in themselves. Most (if not all) of the stuff and devices from the classic and new series are covered in great detail with game mechanics for Time Loops, Chronic Hysteresis and lots more. ‘Expert Cards’ are also provided for a GM to give to Time Lord players with all the pertinent info on them. If you want to put someone or some thing in a Time Loop on the fly, this will tell you how to do it, the difficulty, how many Story Points it will cost and so on. In short, this section will let you do Time Lord magic.

This book is going to greatly expand your creative powers as a GM, as a player of a Time Lord and really enhance your game and inspire you with tons of plot ideas.

An essential buy.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Doctor Who - The Time Traveller's Companion
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ICONS Character Folio
Publisher: Ad Infinitum Adventures
by Ian F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/13/2010 10:53:37

A great supplemental product. I said I'd give it a four if it had better fonts and sure enough, the devs have improved it so top marks.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
ICONS Character Folio
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