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Blackbirds: The Extinguishing - Core Rulebook
Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing
by John P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/22/2023 19:57:06

The premise drew me in: the old gods are dead, the new gods are forming, and the world is in chaos. There are a lot of good and intriguing ideas in the setting, there was a fresh take on the fae (aes) ancestry, but as I read further the book became more and more focused on twisted body horror. The Outsiders, the Oligarchs, and almost every entry in the beastiary - all David Cronenberg and Kingdom Death packed in a roleplaying game. If this is to your taste - you and your group will love the setting. It's not to my taste, which is fine, but there is the realization that it will never reach the table. The question may be: why did I buy it? Well, that's why such a low review. There was absolutely no indication of this in the product description. Hopefully, this review will help others make a more informed purchase.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Blackbirds: The Extinguishing - Core Rulebook
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