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Five Parsecs From Home - Expansion 1 - Trailblazers Toolkit €10,48
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Five Parsecs From Home - Expansion 1 - Trailblazers Toolkit
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Five Parsecs From Home - Expansion 1 - Trailblazers Toolkit
Publisher: Modiphius
by Johan V. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/15/2023 03:18:25

Personally didn't find whole lot here to add to my existing campaign. The intro campaing might be useful for someone just getting into it, but someone already familiar with the mechanics, you can just skip past this. The variable difficulty is nice, but never found that to be a problem with the core game (at least as far as I've played my campaigns). Co-op and PVP won't be something I'll use. Name generation tables are nice, but I usually just pull up ideas online. Enemy deployment variables, a great addition. So is the escalating battles. For someone just getting into 5P, this might be a good addition, or someone who's looking for extra challenge. Everyone else can possible just skip this.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Five Parsecs From Home - Expansion 1 - Trailblazers Toolkit
Publisher: Modiphius
by William B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/21/2021 22:52:48

I am revising my review on this title. Initially I didn't like it because it didn't have some of the things I wanted most:

Psionics Non-tactical combat rules *More story tracks

I still don't think I'll ever use the multiplayer rules, but I have played several games with Escalating Battles, Progressive Difficulty (method 2 - includes elite enemies and difficulty toggles), and Deployment variables.

I am currently combining these rules with some of optional rules in the base set:

  • Combat events
  • Story Track
  • Red and Black missions

So my campaign goal is to try and finish the story track with these rules, and complete a black mission by turn 25. If I can do that, I will declare "I have beat the game."

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Five Parsecs From Home - Expansion 1 - Trailblazers Toolkit
Publisher: Modiphius
by Erik R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/14/2021 08:56:57

The is the first supplement to Five Parsecs from Home, and it's a neat one. You can read the description and see what's in the pack, but it's got a good spread of tools for veterans of the core rules. A lot of difficulty toggles, ai toggles, and options that will certainly expand the life of your campaign. There are some neat tables to help name things like your ship, planets and patrons which is appreciated by this table aficionado. There are two ways to play with another person if you fancy some not so solo solo wargaming, which looks like a neat way to potentially share a universe with a friend or two. There's also an introductory campaign in this book, but to be honest, it feels out of place since everything else is aimed at veterans. It's not a bad intro by any means, but it would have been better suited to the core book.

As with the last book, the art and layout are gorgeous. Overall, it adds a lot of new options and ways to extend the life your campaigns and is well worth the 9.99 and I'm looking forward to future expansions (and Modiphius' take on Five Leagues, but that's for a different day...)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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