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Fallout: The Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook PDF
Publisher: Modiphius
by Joseph D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/24/2021 03:48:09

I'm a longtime Fallout fan, and a longtime rpg fan, and while I was nervous and skeptical of this release at first, I can say I am VERY pleased with it.

-Layout: Better than most more contemporary rpgs, the layout is fairly clean. Most information you need is in appropriate places, and not scattered ALL over the place. (Side note, many of my favorite rpgs have horrible layouts, and I still love them, but when one DOES have a good layout, it's just that much better.)

-System: The 2d20 system is pretty easy to grasp; small dice pools of d20's (2-5 dice) with a roll low target (equal to or under stat+skill for a success), more successes, the better you do, extra action points, etc. I am not a huge fan of the 'need' for the unique dice for the combat dice, but unlike Fantasy Flight/Edge's Genesys (again, love the hell out of Genesys,) managing without the special dice is MUCH easier, since it's just d6's with special faces.

-Setting: Already a well established setting, the book/game does a pretty good job of explaining the world of Fallout, the major players pre-war, and giving a brief explanation of the anticipated setting of the book (The Commonwealth) while still mentioning expanded portions of the known world (NCR, Appalachia, New Vegas,) but also doesn't give away tooooo much. It threads existing lore into a new medium pretty fantastically, gives me solid hope for the future of the rpg releases.

-Art/Design: Here's where I was blown away. The art is top notch, and the design behind the layout felt VERY Fallout. Gorgeous and easy to read, a truly well put-together piece.

-Overall: If you love a good blend of crunch and fluff, an easy to learn system with lots of options, or just Fallout in general, it's a fantastic book/game to pick up! I really hope for books that give material from other games, I'd really like That Gun, from Fallout 2/New Vegas, or the Scorched from 76 introduced. Maybe even working with Bethesda to come up with a new region for the rpg to cover. I know I've been brainstorming my local area for a Fallout game!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Fallout: The Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook PDF
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Monsters of Murka Campaign Setting (5e)
Publisher: Action Fiction
by Joseph D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/22/2020 11:04:00

I'm a huge fan of well made material, especially from groups outside of major product producers. Monster of Murka hits that nail on the head!

For starters, the book itself is beautiful, in some ways more beautiful than many of the other companies I've purchased from in the past! The artwork (while in some cases is grotesque, I'd imagine intentionally so) is beautifully made, and exceptionally well used.

The layout as well is phenomenal, easy to approach and absorb, as well as having a great flow to help understand the setting. Believe me when I say, the flow of a layout is exceptionally important, it can make or break my enjoyment of a system/setting.

If I have a criticism, it's that I would have liked to see more crunch in the book. There's already a pretty healthy amount of crunch, but I came in to gaming heavily around the launch of D&D 3.0, so I am used to copious amounts of crunch, so that may be just more my expectation and preference than an actual criticism.

Ultimately, Monsters of Murka is a fantastic, fun and cheeky setting for a campaign. I recommend it heartily and consider it something like the Blazing Saddles of RPG supplements.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Monsters of Murka Campaign Setting (5e)
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Creator Reply:
"The Blazing Saddles of RPG Supplements" is probably the greatest compliment I will ever receive on anything. Thank you so much, Joe.
Armageddon the End Times
Publisher: Eden Studios
by Joseph D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/16/2020 14:17:05

I am a long-time Classic Unisystem fan. I've had this game for well over a decade now, and played it/ran i frequently. I cannot recommend Armageddon enough, it is a fantastic modern fantasy rpg that blends all sorts of thematic elements from urban intrigue, fantasy adventure, and warfare. The system does a fairly decent job of balancing the ability to play powerful god-like entities, angels, magicians and even plain old mundane folk, as each has a kind of strength and weakness. The setting is rich and detailed to the point of effecting how I look at other game settings.

I don't know how else I can say it, it's a fantastic game, and you should get it even if it's just as a reference book for setting design.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Armageddon the End Times
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Starfarer's Companion
Publisher: Rogue Genius Games
by Joseph D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/18/2018 12:10:36

Despite a few editorial and design issues initially (which at the time of this review have been fixed) this book is fantastic! I utilize it as an 'additional core' for our Starfinder campaign.

The additional races are better balanced than their Pathfinder equivalent, and the classes are up to snuff with the Core Starfinder classes, adding a bevy of new options and abilities to the table.

Highly recommend picking it up for the price, and I know I intend to try and get my hands on a physical copy or two to have for quick reference!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Starfarer's Companion
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