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Dune: Adventures in the Imperium Wormsign Quickstart Guide €0,00
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Dune: Adventures in the Imperium Wormsign Quickstart Guide
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Dune: Adventures in the Imperium Wormsign Quickstart Guide
Publisher: Modiphius
by Edward C. O. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/24/2021 14:08:22

This is a unique game and setting, i ran this with a friend and later with a pair of friends.

for those that don't know, this game uses the 2d20 system, however it has been modified specificially for this game to focus more on role play and quicker game and conflicts.

the adventure itself is good, not great but good enough to give you an idea on how to run the game. if gives you a taste of how to be diplomatic, how to have dialogue conflicts, and the combat scenes are fast paced and really intense that my friends got into it really quickly. it also explains what to rule for and how to decide on your Drive which is unique to this system. you have a skill plus a focus, then there is drive which i love in this game, because the player are deciding and explaining to me, why they are using Faith as their drive to complete a skill check.

the one mechanic that is super helpful and its on me that i forget is momentum and threat. if you played any of the Modiphius games, that's one of the main mechanics of the 2d20 system, and this is probably the most heplful and easier version of this momentum system, because you need those successes and bargaining for a success with your gm is pretty funny and amazing.

overall, a good quickstart guide to test out the 2d20 version of Dune. this has made me more interested in getting the Core Rulebook and possibly running a game. the rules are simple enough to understand, the scenario isn't great, but it is good enough to run a one shot to test out this system. plus its the low price of Free so you can't beat that.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Dune: Adventures in the Imperium Wormsign Quickstart Guide
Publisher: Modiphius
by Jason I. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/07/2021 09:01:28

I have not had a chance to playtest Wormsign yet.

That being said, SPECTACULAR artwork and production design. Rich sections of lore and world-buikding. As far as introductories or quick-starts... This is how how to do it.

Everything you need to get a taste for the world and for play. I ALMOST BOUGHT THE COREBOOK SIGHT-UNSEEN AFTER REVIEWING THIS I WAS SO HIGHLY IMPRESSED.

There's an art to successfully crafting a role-playing game, an art largely neglected in recent years. These folks are reviving that artform. And that is welcome.

I wish long, successful careers to everyone involved.

I hope the game plays as well as it is presented.

The world of rpg needs more pieces that inspire.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Dune: Adventures in the Imperium Wormsign Quickstart Guide
Publisher: Modiphius
by kristine y. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/30/2021 22:30:25

If you like Dune or were on the fence about playing Dune the rpg game, this product will help you decide if you should jump in.
Whats included: several types of premade pcs covering mentats, bene gesserists, ginaz swordmaster, to common types The artwork is similar to the up coming movie. Intro to the game universe the basic rules so you do not need the corebook for this adventure but it can be useful discusses how conflict works and has a conflict chart for easy reference The adventure takes place on Dune before/during the movie and is 5 scenes long. You can play this in one session if you wanted to as a stand alone adventure or as part of a campaign easily. At the end of the adventure are plot hooks for more adventures. I would suggest if you are interested in trying Dune rpg or even the 2d20 system give this adventure a try. Its pretty straight forward in design and does not need a lot of game prep to run. Also if you like to show and tell your players a quick google image search and you can find images to use.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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