Got the new S&W complete and this to go along with it. Urban adventure is a weak spot in my game and I'm using this to add variety and depth to my city gaming.
I enjoyed the story of why this is happening, what brought about the trouble here. The maps were nice we ran over discord and owlbear rodeo, fun time.
I got the print and PDF version of this. Nice layout, clear with good maps and enough npc descriptions to give you relationship info. Set up like a sandbox, tread carefully or you'll likely end up toe to toe with something your party can't just assault. Story and locations enough to get a couple play sessions out of for me.
As with Matt's other random books, this one has many tables to roll on. Appearance, secrets, contents can be randomized along with naming suggestions for several types of shops. For a city campaign I think this product would shine as a handy GM resource when players go wandering for a shoppping experience.
I got the pdf and softcover book and through the 16 chapters of the book you are taken from a session zero baseline what do you want your game to be all the way through ending a campaign effectively. Each subject brings a few pages of direct questions and reflections to help you craft your game and fill it with memorable people, places, and things. totalling 74 pages of content and a short conclusion I found this book to offer help on improvising and NPC development the most useful things to me personally but Ive only been running an online game for 5 months now and I'm pretty sure GM's of many years will still find valuable tips or different perspectives here. Definitely glad I bought this book.
I have the pod version of this and the art is great. Very evocative of the mine adventure. Color is strong and book layout is easy to read through and absorb. The locations are well marked and there are several secrets to let your players explore. Tips for handling playing as kids and running a fun adventure.
This horror themed space game only has 3 stats for your character but its enough to get them into action and use their gear and good sense to keep out of trouble, or else they'll have to make a d20 save vs. the ability score in use. Best to just try and avoid a risky situation, make the odds in your favor and don't hesitate to cheat. Rules for space travel/exploration, Elder races and rumors and jobs related to them, really a lot of gaming goodness in this 64 page game. The one page rules summary at the end of the book is a nice touch!
I got this product as the bookmarked version and it is a fully fleshed out setting for Savage Worlds. Gritty illustrations, maps, many plot hooks and ideas along with a full 3-act adventure. A post apocalypse world decimated by an alien war, you rebuild and make what you can of what remains. Pockets of alien energy, mutations, and recovered alien technology lead to some interesting and dangerous combinations. Equipment stress handled with a tag system to relate in what manner some is damaged or degraded. It is a completely realized world with a richly detailed starting area and fresh character concepts that let you begin play in a world decades removed from our own and yet familiar. For use with the SWADE rules.
IfIf you're familiar with the Black Void core book this adventure expands on the Khameeliya district and offers a nice district map and several encounter maps as well. The entire adventure takes place entirely in the district beginning with the slaughter of some rare animals. The PC's are implicated in the crime and have to dodge local law while trying to contact their mysterious patron and seek information at the same time. Rich characters and locations are detailed in the adventure with 3 new beasts and stats for Jinissar guard, Ghurayb guards, and civic patrols- mentioned but not statted out in the core book. Playable on its own, it has an arc that ties into the previously released Those Who Would Be Gods campaign and is intended for 4 to 6 characters of 65-75 point range.
First off, this began as a 1 page dungeon and it ended up being a nicely fleshed out dungeon area with great descriptions and situations to play in. I really appreciate the inclusion of one numbered map and one unnumbered one. Nice map by the way. Heard about this adventure on the On the Shoulders of Dwarves podcast and fee like its well worth the $4 cost.
A really nice take on the corporate world, one that lets you do those impulsive and career threatening actions with the bold taking what they want and the meek crushed underfoot! Not mortal combat style but through subterfuge, misdirection, and skill will you frame your competition and leapfrog up the ladder passing by those too timid or weak to keep up with you. A fun, easily graspable game that lets anyone take on the rat race and see how far they can get up the top of the business food chain.
First off, the visuals in this book nail the feel of the 1920's and gangsters, G men and the the look of the cities. The terminology lingo of the time is another touch that helps bring the feel into the game. The powers are varied and allow plenty of customization. The card mechanic works well in the game and is a cool fresh approach. Take on the roles of Capers, for good or ill, and begin your adventures in the era of Prohibition, corruption, and the rare untouchable lawperson!
Yep, 30 totally random tables, one ad for Purple Prizm, and on page 9 a cool b&w art piece of a woman leading a dragon. Suggestions for these charts are to get your imagination going before a game or during the game and try to work the results in somehow. You can roll a d30 to determine the chart then a d6 for specific result. The tables are really filled with such random things I don't see a pattern but I do think there is enough oddball stuff in here to spark some really wild adventures. Have fun with it. Was on sale for $2 when I bought it.
Kobayashi Maroon is a 25 page book containing 3 episodes(adventures) and an appendix. Heck of a package in this book, recommended if Alpha Blue is your jam. I like the short adventures because they give you a start and end and are complete. Beginning with a foreward by Venger in which he gives advice on running the sex parts of Alpha Blue and finding a comfort zone for your game group. It's really practical and useful info, just read your table and ease into it. Now, episode 1 is the unwinnable scenario like in that movie with Capt. Kark where he fiddles with the parameters to avoid losing, but you dont have that option and chances are you'll get sucked into the big Pink Hole and meet your maker. It's a ship rescue mission but very dangerous. As is standard for Venger's products there are naughty bits and a couple random tables in here followed by a piece of art thats just quite striking. Episode 2 starts off as a solo adventure, you find out your wife is a plant that has been spying on you, cause that's what Federation Agents do, and you catch her in a compromising position. Hilarity, laser blasts or an impromptu threesome could happen next depending on how you take the news. If you want to get to the bottom of why you're being spyed on you can chase down your wife's boss and get the scoop...and end up in a mexican standoff? Well yeah, you do. So you and 5 others find yourselves in an every man for themself throwdown to bring this adventure to a close. Episode 3 begins with the crew being notified of the upcoming Catalina Wine Mixer which happens to be playing host to the competition to appoint the next Chief over the local systems. Surely the lure of power, respect, and 100,000 credits will be tempting enough? You will also be acting as security for the event...what could go wrong? There is a terrorist to apprehend and a Zith Lord who really wants to win the overlordship of the local systems. The appendix has a blue balls chart and full page tracker, a cunningulus random chart, a new massive damage rule, Venger Satanis statted up as an NPC, some random names, and a huge chart of activities that someone you sneak up on may be engaged in.
The Outer Presence manages to put a very Lovecraftian feeling scenario and a light rules system into a 40 page book. Venger presents a d6 pool system up front and gets you a character built quickly in the first dozen pages of the book and the rest of it is dedicated to the jungle setting of New Guinea where you are sent to help recover an expedition...but its a horrible thing you're heading into. Really light rules, dark and deadly trek through a jungle, deadly cannibals...only thing is that some things happen to the adventurers randomly and theres a feeling of luck, but that seems pretty OSR to me.