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[Savage Worlds Adventure Edition] The After €21,11
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[Savage Worlds Adventure Edition] The After
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[Savage Worlds Adventure Edition] The After
Publisher: Fainting Goat Games
by Gary [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/12/2024 15:31:45

Excellent product. I have all of the After products. Like Roadside Picnic + a western. Has all of the mechanics you might need. Serious game (not silly).

[5 of 5 Stars!]
[Savage Worlds Adventure Edition] The After
Publisher: Fainting Goat Games
by Jeffrey R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/18/2021 16:09:27

Finally got a hard copy of the book. The interior looks great as does the cover. PLenrt of cool information inside on the world of The After. DEfinetly a game I want to play

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Jeff - Terribly sorry that happened to you. I've had some problems myself with OBS POD orders in the last year. I understand you've been in communication with Jon Gibbons. At his direction, I just now ordered you a new copy of the softcover edition of the book. With current printing and shipping times - looks like the eta would be 6 to 8 weeks. Again - sorry this happened to you. Let us know when the replacement arrives and if there are any problems with it. Of course, if you'd like, please feel free to work with DriveThruRPG Customer Service to resolve the issues with your original order.
Jeff we sent another replacement. This time hardcover. Please let us know if it arrived.
[Savage Worlds Adventure Edition] The After
Publisher: Fainting Goat Games
by Thomas E. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/11/2021 09:10:24

A beautiful world, described in detail without getting repetitive or overburdening, and with great mechanics to support the overall feeling ingame. I love the stress tag system which handles deteriorating equipment. While being super lightweight, it still creates a sense of scarcity. The After is easily one of my favourite settings.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
[Savage Worlds Adventure Edition] The After
Publisher: Fainting Goat Games
by Péter A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/04/2021 08:45:11

I love the concept of this book! ("If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn't turn out well for the Native Americans.") After an alien invasion and the fight between 2 alien races (named Butchers and Ghosts) using Earth as a battleground, human survivors need to rebuild civilization.

The changes that the invasion(s) have done to Earth, and the new playable races are interesting: 2 alien "slave" races (the towering Helots and the bug-like Skav) and Changed (humans who have mutated due to the exposure to alien bio-weapons). Of course, simple Humans are playable too.

The setting has 3 distinct Arcane Backgrounds, each of which feels very different than the others. It has interesting gazetteer detailing different towns, factions and breach zones. It also has cool new rules for gear (item stress). Speaking of gear, some of the invaders' gear was left on Earth and they can be found and used as well.

The artwork of this book is amazing. It has an "adverseries" chapter which is a bestiary where each monster has their own picture and the look really good. So few SW products have this, and I just love that this one does.

It also has 4 pre-written adventures, and one of them has 6 pre-gens as well.

It is a very high quality product.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
[Savage Worlds Adventure Edition] The After
Publisher: Fainting Goat Games
by Bart Z. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/03/2021 10:43:03

The after is a post-apocalyptic alien style campain mostly comparable with titles as 'roadside picnic' or the movie 'annihilation'. The book is filled with amazing art, a well thought out setting, rich with lore and it's own set of gritty rules, and unique gear and powers such as mutations and alien artifacts. Recommended if you want to play in a clearly unique post-apocalyptic world.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
[Savage Worlds Adventure Edition] The After
Publisher: Fainting Goat Games
by Leslie A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/12/2021 16:32:56

My daughter was interested in playing an rpg with a post-apocalyptic setting, as the Fallout franchise is one of her favorites, so I began researching games in the genre. The After was different enough from the rest of the herd to catch my eye and the rest of the gaming group was willing to give it a chance. I've been running the game weekly for several months now, and everyone is quite happy with it.

I think the rest of the reviews here are spot on, so go read those for an overview. I'll try and avoid repeating what was said before and concentrate on my own personal feelings and experiences.

The vibe I get from the game, and the vibe that it seems to impart to the players, is that of D&D. Not D&D as I see it now, exactly, but as I saw it circa 1980 - new, fresh, wide-eyed explorers and adventurers striking out into the unknown for riches and adventure. The scarcity of equipment, the lack of complex machinery, and the Item Stress system emphasize a grittiness - a closeness to the environment - even if that environment is very harsh. And the absolute craziness and inventiveness of the Butcher and Ghost tech seem to revitalize the same old same old feeling of the D&D magic items we've all become accustomed to over the decades.

The players have really taken the author's suggestions to heart and become deeply involved with the people of The After. They've built up a salvage business and traded with the community of Chapter. They have jockeyed for leadership positions within the Posthuman faction. They have had romances and marriages. They have had a hockey game with a rival salvage business. One player even wrote and starred in her own one-woman show in the local playhouse.

The game developers have done a wonderful job of painting just enough of the world to get their point across and left huge areas for the players and I to exercise our creativity. As a GM, I'm fascinated with the Ghosts themselves, and how their technology works. It makes just about anything I can think up fit into the world. And since this is Savage Worlds, I can dump people, creatures, and items from Deadlands, Rifts, Lankhmar and others. Oh, and Deadlands: Lost Colony has a treasure trove of beasties to throw into the mix.

Later, I intend on dropping Expedition to the Barrier Peaks (AD&D Module S3) straight into the campaign. Why? Well, it's a favorite D&D module of mine and fits perfectly thematically. And it will be easy. I've got most of the monster stats right here in my Savage Pathfinder bestiary.

I'm also very interested in the real-life place the setting is based on - the Wind River Range up in Wyoming. I've spend quite a bit of time exploring the area in 3d on Google Earth, and watching hiking vidoes on Youtube covering the area. I have a strong desire to go there now. It's beautiful.

One note about the physical product. I grabbed the softcover of the book. One of my players bought the hardcover. While the softcover is perfectly servicable, the hardcover is just so darn pretty. I'm jealous.

So thanks to the developers for creating and publishing this game. It's a setting I never thought I'd be interested in until I saw the possibilities. Five stars and all that.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
[Savage Worlds Adventure Edition] The After
Publisher: Fainting Goat Games
by Tim D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/08/2021 12:51:38

A Hopeful Post-Apocalyptic Setting The setting puts players in a post-apoc world but without the constant feeling of imminent starvation and inevitable decline. Everything has changed and the world has new dangers, but the Earth and her inhabitants will recover. This setting is for telling that type of story.

This is a gorgeous book that maintains a high standard of quality for all 242 pages. The author explains the intent behind the choices made for the setting rather than just listing stat blocks. It is very easy to "get onboard" with the world-building philosphy even though this isn't just the usual trope-laden settings we all know and love by now.

That being said, every major NPC has a stat block and (since this is Savage Worlds) I feel like I could just start running a campaign straight from this book and the SWADE core rules.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
[Savage Worlds Adventure Edition] The After
Publisher: Fainting Goat Games
by Roman E. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/29/2020 10:49:35

A beautiful book with a brilliant setting. The layout of this book is nicely done, with amazing artwork and graphics.But the best is the setting, it combines wild west, post apocalytic and futuristic technology in a brilliant way, really nicely done. The quality of the book is really good and I'm really happy to have backed this project.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
[Savage Worlds Adventure Edition] The After
Publisher: Fainting Goat Games
by Steven L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/23/2020 23:16:06

This book is great. The art and layout are amazing a complement the great setting and rules. The new alien races and setting rules are awesome and make the after feel very unique.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
[Savage Worlds Adventure Edition] The After
Publisher: Fainting Goat Games
by Jacob T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/15/2020 21:25:44

So I got my copy of The After. he book is very high quality in regards to both materials and content. The layout is pleasing, easy to read, and with an almost excitingly colored and style. The art is a style I very much like as well. Its blends solid coloring with a style that feels real and brings the fanciful world to life. The setting is one I definitely enjoy for sure.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
[Savage Worlds Adventure Edition] The After
Publisher: Fainting Goat Games
by Chauncey P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/07/2020 10:59:04

I picked this up a little over a month ago while I was sick in bed needing something to read. This book is beautiful, the Art is top notch. The Setting is great, as a Fan of post apocalyptic games for many years this is definitely a enjoyable setting to explore. All in all I believe players and GM's will find many hours of enjoyment contained therein!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
[Savage Worlds Adventure Edition] The After
Publisher: Fainting Goat Games
by larry h. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/31/2020 18:53:31

I got this product as the bookmarked version and it is a fully fleshed out setting for Savage Worlds. Gritty illustrations, maps, many plot hooks and ideas along with a full 3-act adventure. A post apocalypse world decimated by an alien war, you rebuild and make what you can of what remains. Pockets of alien energy, mutations, and recovered alien technology lead to some interesting and dangerous combinations. Equipment stress handled with a tag system to relate in what manner some is damaged or degraded. It is a completely realized world with a richly detailed starting area and fresh character concepts that let you begin play in a world decades removed from our own and yet familiar. For use with the SWADE rules.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
[Savage Worlds Adventure Edition] The After
Publisher: Fainting Goat Games
by Tavis H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/13/2020 12:37:11

Beautiful artwork and a compelling setting.

Could do with bookmarks for the pdf, or at least a table of contents and an index.

Also one or two of the npc stats have holdovers from the Deluxe edition of Savage Worlds

[4 of 5 Stars!]
[Savage Worlds Adventure Edition] The After
Publisher: Fainting Goat Games
by David A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/13/2020 09:02:25

Just an incredible product. Jon G's artwork is amazing, and the writing is crisp and fun. The layout of the book is on point. I can't wait to run this.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
[Savage Worlds Adventure Edition] The After
Publisher: Fainting Goat Games
by A customer [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/05/2020 10:51:01

A compelling and densly crafted World,full of Horror ,wonders and wierdnes.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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