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A Wicked Secret €19,04
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A Wicked Secret
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A Wicked Secret
Publisher: Free League Publishing
by Kurt [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/28/2024 17:02:33

I've run most of the adventures in this collection, and all have been a hit! Dozens of hours of excitement and mystery!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
A Wicked Secret
Publisher: Free League Publishing
by Björn L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/14/2023 13:35:52
The secret world of Vaesen - a Mephisto review

A Wicked Secret

With A Wicked Secret, the first adventure volume for the role-playing game Vaesen has been published. This volume contains four fully fleshed-out adventures, each of which revolves around a particular type of Vaesen on the one hand and, on the other hand, also addresses the other themes of the game - above all, the social changes of industrialization.

The first one is about a fishing base that has become a successful herring factory and, at the same time, has attracted the suspicion of a clergyman.

The following story focuses on a small town in the northern woods where the interests of a sawmill collide with ancient secrets.

Deadly secrets also lurk in a modern seaside resort when the wrong people play with the wrong forces.

And finally, university research is shown to be dangerous when it comes into contact with trolls.

Each of the four stories has a central entity in focus, but the settings, the conflicts, and the themes are pretty varied. Furthermore, the adventures offer more than just monster hunts that must end with a final battle; rather, the horror theme is approached in various ways. Without revealing more about the adventures, in my opinion, A Wicked Secret is a recommendable addition to the role-playing game Vaesen, with which game masters can easily spend their first game sessions.

(Björn Lippold)

[4 of 5 Stars!]
A Wicked Secret
Publisher: Free League Publishing
by Ricardo G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/30/2023 09:35:31

A Wicked Secret and other mysteries Esta expansión añade cuatro misterios completos:

  • The Silver of the Sea: Un misterio que nos hará navegar al archipiélago de Bohuslän, un lugar terrible para navegar con su propia historia cargada de hambruna, sacrificios y sirenas.
  • A Wicked Secret: Aunque los bosques son grandes fuentes de recursos y materiales, el bosque de Färnsta ha visto sacrificios durante décadas gracias al culto que reside entre la nobleza local.
  • The Night Sow: Dicen que las creencias de uno mismo pueden acarrear terribles acontecimientos. Y así es para la familia que decidió proteger la colina maldita en Skäne. Siendo ellos mismos la causa del mal que se escapa en la zona, sin quererlo.
  • The Song of the Falling Star: Una historia de pactos con un pueblo de Trolls que viven en armonía con humanos. Para ellos, la música es una fuente de magia.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
A Wicked Secret
Publisher: Free League Publishing
by Eric P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/21/2022 17:33:49

I find this to be an excellent compilation of adventures for Vaesen. Admittedly, I don't want to say more because I would give away details that if you are a player you should not know. My only nitpicks, and I could be incorrect about the one, are these two.

  1. Doesn't the church in Sweeden at that time allow for married priests or am I completely off base on this? All the priests seem to be single.
  2. I don't think enough emphasis is put on the fact that the characters have the sight. There are adventures where everyone can seemingly see the Vaesen, which goes against the conceit of the game.

LIke I said, though, these are niotpicks. It is very nice to have horror that is not cosmic in nature in an RPG. These four adventures add to the fabric of the game world very nicely. I wholeheartedly recommend this book for any Vaesen player.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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