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The Necromancer: Playable Class
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Jonathan E K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/25/2022 09:44:06

Pretty good! Very evocative of the Diablo Necromancer. It seems well balanced and well thought out!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Necromancer: Playable Class
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Character - Frost Giant - RPG Stock Art
Publisher: Dean Spencer Art
by Jonathan E K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/24/2022 15:47:12

Really good art. I looked long and hard to find something that would match my project,

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Character - Frost Giant - RPG Stock Art
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Mounts Revisited Beta
Publisher: Dragoncrown Games
by Jonathan E K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/04/2022 21:56:52

This looks like quite a useful supplement. It addresses an important need in the game, and does so well.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Mounts Revisited Beta
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A Heart of Darkness
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Jonathan E K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/11/2022 13:50:20

-It's not bad exactly. It's evocative, it's interesting...however, a few points not in its favor: The Capitalized words in the background are jarring. There are quite a few grammatical mistakes scattered through the text, and unclear desritpions. Needs some editing. 44 people isn't a town, or a village, it's a hamlet. Why does a vampire make people he kills with his bite into...ghouls? No explanation given. He has power over various other explanation given. Who is he and why is he so powerful? He made a pact with a shadow demon. How? The whole story seems extremely linear and railroady. No real options for proceeding differently are given and the final situation literally has only one accepted solution.

I wanted to like this. As I said it's evocative, and a decent story. But the background isn't fleshed out enough and many aspects are given no explanation.

Overall, here are my scores: Utility: The villain's statblock's are great. The encounters are good. I don't think the challenge rating is right either. It clocks in at a CR6 before you take into account its legendary abilities and special powers. And that you have to fight the danged thing, effectively, 4 times. If you do the exactly one thing needed to be able to win. You can use this guy...but be sure you don't mind TPK's or you have higher level PCs than suggested. 3/5 Quality: Pretty good, aside from the minor quibbles above. 4/5 Presentation: This is quite excellent. 5/5 Price: It's pretty low. Give this thing a chance but be prepared to fix some of the issues. 5/5 17/20, 4.25 rounded down.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
A Heart of Darkness
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Creator Reply:
Hey Jonathan, Thanks for the feedback! As a new creator, hearing from critics is incredibly helpful. I am intending to dip back into this project, reformat, add a new cover, and give it another editing pass now I have a little more experience, just to tighten things up for the people that purchased my first crack at it.
Hardboiled Adventures
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Jonathan E K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/08/2022 10:24:03

As usual I will be rating these publications on 4 metrics: Utility, Quality, Presentation, Price. I’ll be rating them together because…my god. You’ll want both. I have no relationship to DC Bradshaw and I paid for these books myself.

1) Utility: For the love of all that is unholy. I was blown away. If you have any interest in running a D&D 5e game in a noir or urban setting with 40’s era technology…these things are indispensable. And even if you aren’t…the subclasses, spells, magic items, and other ideas…I’m planning to use them in any number of campaigns now. All the bases are covered between the two books, all the things you need for any such game, from items to cars to weapons to class updates to adventure…Wow.

5/5 No deductions, not even minor ones.

2) Quality: What the everloving….this is totally top end professional work. I couldn’t find any overpowered options. I couldn’t find any broken optional rules. There are some very cool new ideas, like taking a COmpulsion at first level to gain an extra feat…and all the new feats, spells, subclasses…they are all well built. THERE AREN’T EVEN ANY TYPOS. Professional quality writing and editing. Top notch. WoTC, hire this guy, but only if you pay him well.

5/5 I couldn’t find anything to deduct for even if it had been put out by WoTC. In some ways it’s better.

3) Presentation: Knocked the ball out of the park. The pages, the typeface, the art, the formatting…chef’s kiss. Everything in these products evokes the noir era. Just….perfect.

5/5 This is not ok. Somebody start making mistakes. Giving just good revieews is gonna make me look bad.

4) Price: Once again, are you kidding me? $12.95 for the bundle…he’s practically giving it away, at 86 pages of top end content, since he only gets half that amount from DM’s Guild…

5/5 Stop it. Charge more. Or maybe I need to reduce my prices. Dangit.

In summary, this thing gets 20/20, 100/100. 110% awesome.

Buy it. Twice.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Hardboiled Adventures
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Neverland - The Impossible Island
Publisher: Diana Gaeta
by Jonathan E K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/03/2022 17:53:48

Ok, first, I just want to say: Wow. A labor of love, true to the heartrending core of the J.M. Barrie book while updating the content in modern and inclusive ways. I will strive to avoid spoilers. I will also note I have no connection to the author, and purchased the book for its current price.

As with my last review, I will rate the book on 4 axes: Utility, quality, presentation, and price.

Utility: This supplement really does provide all the supplementary material and rules needed to run a game in this setting, and it does so within a mere 30 pages. Anyone with a love of Barrie’s work should purchase this product for use in their favored system, for while the system rules used are 5e DnD, it is easily adaptable. As a minor quibble, there are no CR’s in the statblocks…but that could be construed as good or bad, given how far off CR usually is.


Quality: The writing is exquisite, clear, readable, evocative. The characters are portrayed faithfully, neither disneyfied nor needlessly changed. All changes are for good reasons surrounding inclusiveness and faithful portrayal of marginalized people. The bad are bad, the good are good…and Pan is Pan. Bravo. The tiniest of tics is taken off for a few minor grammatical errors that did not significantly detract from the quality of the whole. I ight want more figments, but that’s me being greedy. 5/5

Presentation: Marvelous. Simply marvelous. Internal and external art is good, layout is good. I have nothing I can complain about, and I wanted to, because I’m going to get a bad reputation as a critic if all my reviews are glowing. But, truth first: This is a beautiful product.


Price: I’m going to need folks to start charging more for your work, you’re making me look bad. The standard listed price is $5.00 and it’s on sale for $3.50, for 30 pages of grade A work. That is a steal of a deal, and I recommend heading straight to Drive Thru RPG to pick it up now, before Superdillin comes to their senses and raises the price to $10 dollars or more.


Aggregate Score: 5/5. This is a very fine product. Buy it. Now.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Neverland - The Impossible Island
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Encounters At The Wayside Inn
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Jonathan E K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/30/2021 18:35:46

An interesting selection of quick encounters at a road side Inn. It's set in the Realms, but can be easily ported anywhere. Quite well executed.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Encounters At The Wayside Inn
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The Cyre 1313, the Mourning Rail
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Jonathan E K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/24/2021 11:53:30

This supplement for Ravenloft and Eberron is a clever idea, well executed, and well written. Definitely recommended. The twist of the nature of the inhabitants makes for a different sort of horror.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Cyre 1313, the Mourning Rail
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