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Monsters of Murka Campaign Setting (5e)
Publisher: Action Fiction
by Michael C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/15/2020 12:19:45

Evrything...and I do mean EVERYTHING about this setting is glorious in the best possible way. So much passion was poured into this project and it truly shows. The art, lore and detail are exactly perfect and I could not be more happy with the product.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Monsters of Murka Campaign Setting (5e)
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Neverland - The Impossible Island
Publisher: Diana Gaeta
by Michael C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/15/2020 12:15:55

I've been a fan of Diana for quite some time now and I was more than excited when this was announced. The passion and love she has for the subject matter is palpable. It just grabs you from beginning and lovingly carries you the distance. I am a casual RPG player but this may be the one that gets me to cross that threshold into running a game of my own. And if anybody could give that much love and inspiration, it's Diana.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Neverland - The Impossible Island
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Creator Reply:
This review has touched me so profoundly, thank you so much. I can't say enough that you took the time to say this, and I truly hope you do cross the line!
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