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Neon City Overdrive €9,52
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Neon City Overdrive
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Neon City Overdrive
Publisher: Peril Planet
by Jacek B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/17/2020 01:55:01

Neon City is just great! Fast and efficient mechanics, outline of a cool world. I really recommend it to everyone (not only cyperpunk fans) because the mechanics will be suitable for other settings.

Thanks a lot for this great product and I look forward to new additions to Neon and settings on this mechanic.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thanks for taking the time to write a review - I really appreciate it! (Sorry it took so long for me to reply.)
Neon City Overdrive
Publisher: Peril Planet
by John-Paul S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/11/2020 01:24:57

Neon City Overdrive is spectacular. It's resolution system can do in a small booklet what some systems can't manage with a weighty tome. And it is infinitely hackable.

The rules system is what you would get if FATE and Blades in the Dark had a brilliant love child. The basic mechanic is simple: roll a pool of six-siders called action dice, and take the highest die. When there is a challenge, you roll a number of "danger dice." Each danger die that matches an action die removes both, and then you look for the highest action die. It is elegant, yes, but it is just plain fun to roll a big handful of dice and look for matches.

The number of dice you can roll is based on a tag system, similar to FATE. The more relevant tags you have, the more dice you get. The more relevant tags the opposition has, the more danger dice you roll. Easy peasy.

Now, I must admit that some of the rules did not meet my preferences. This isn't a flaw in the game, this is just a matter of the game I want to run. NCO actually shines here. The rules have a simplicity that allowed them to be changed with little effort; my group LOVES my Shadowrun hack.

This is pure and simple a game you will love to play, no matter what kind of setting you can imagine.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thank you for this great review! I am so glad you enjoy the game and really appreciate you taking the time to write a review. Cheers!
Neon City Overdrive
Publisher: Peril Planet
by Gabriel L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/27/2020 10:41:55

This game is great:

  • Only players roll dice.
  • Following the previous point, action is mainly player driven.
  • It follows a dice pool mechanic and no math is required at all.
  • Difficulty influences the number of dice rolled.
  • Failure leads to interesting outcomes.

Granted, none of these points is unique to Neon City Overdrive's system (Freeform Universal), but it's simple, elegant and allows for much to be done. Plus the hardbook is friggin' gorgeous.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thank you so much for this review! I am so happy that you like Neon City Overdrive and really appreciate you taking the time to write this review.
Neon City Overdrive
Publisher: Peril Planet
by bugtest b. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/26/2020 19:10:05


[4 of 5 Stars!]
Neon City Overdrive
Publisher: Peril Planet
by Pierre-Philippe D. S. M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/02/2020 11:31:07

I love cyberpunk genre and technoir is one of my favorite games. Neon City Overdrive is a is a nice addition to the family. It uses a trait system, close to Heroquest, tags (close to technoir / Fate) and a result system close to the FU/Apocalypse engine. The layout is really modern and the illustrations beautiful. A small clarification on negative tag for a character as a consequence (on a 4 or 5) would be welcome (because the tags are rather mentioned on the character sheet as +). Overall, this game is a must have and I plan to use it very soon.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thank you very much for this kind review!
Neon City Overdrive
Publisher: Peril Planet
by Seth H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/01/2020 17:00:21

This is a really great game!!! I like many aspects of it, including that the world is wide open, allowing ofr a lot of choice, but also includes some easy to use lists of people, places, groups, and even events! Nice folow throughon creating jobs for game play.

The system is a fusion of fate and powered by the apocolypse!!! It is a nice simple system that uses lots of tag to add player interaction and allow for payer involvement!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thank you very much for this review. I really appreciate it!
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