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I love this game. I'm sure the Chibi style pushes some tradionalists away, but they are losing a gem. This is one of the best original-related iterarions of the game: it has a fresh approach to old concepts and make the original game feel like a modern creature. The chibi style makes me think about the perfect d20 "Tales of...." campaign.
Highly recommend this, it is full of exciting rules solving some classic hindrances (for those who find old school gaming compelling as well as clunky).
FATE is definitely amognst my favorite games, probably top three. While a FAE fangoy, I had yo take a small atep back: I love the depth and structural granularity of Condensed, to the point it mad me re evaluate my opinion on the only true Fate version (there's only one Fate). Condensed is a brilliant build, takes the most out of EH experiences and design, with smart solution to some of the problems you might step onto going straiht core.
Ths might reliably be the ultimate Fate build.
There would be a lot to say about minimalism design. Sometimes it's a little bit more than dewign excercise. In TDG gamee I feel tuere's passion and a significant will to provide a playable and customisable experience. The great thing about this game is how easy is to get it is and how easy to hack it feels. I can imagine this going on thru various runs and personal development.
I would probably add some twists to make this reliable in the long run (noting fancy, just a few stunts and some modern twists), but the game has presented just works as is.
So, easy 5 stars here.
Plain and simple: when you see something with Diogo's signature, just buy it. No kidding: he's one of my favorite game designers ever and his games are all about having fun with some degree of horror and weirdness.
Pair this with an awesome tablet friendly layout and ease of access with the perfect rendition to BX D&D and it's deal.
Note that I don't like premade adventures, but this is a brutal and funny horror sandbox to splash into any existing dark themed campaigns.
Awesome product by Alan Bahr, a nice conceptual crossover of Tiny d6s and Inverse20: easy, but not simplistic, versatile, but not full of useless crunch (hint: I love cruhchy games). Tombpunk is an honest take on old school gaming with some dirty modern twists.
I love the "coherent chaos" hidden behind the d12 and I love the micro powers and tricks the game offers as an ispirational starting point: you can get really creative with these elements, like weapon properties or class based powers.
Bookmarks are missing (come on guys!) BUT a wonderful sheet is provided and available. A themed sheet would have been perfect and can still be added.
Wonderful game for old schoolers and new players alike. Just get it for what it is: a hackable, tweakable, deadly funny tabletop experience in a nice phone / tablet friendly package.
EDITED with 5 stars for the sheet. :)
Bellissimo, ben localizzato e completo! Felice di avere un souls-like da tavolo in italiano per una maggiore fruibilità. Layout accattivante. Bravo!
Can't understand why people don't play good games instead of playing only the same games over and over.
From the first readthrough, I can honestly admit this is a LOT better than most hyper known RPGs.
Ok. Just reading through this. First: I only review games I like. Second: I usually love systems and short lore. I only encountered a few workds/games giving me so much from the get go. Altas: Age of Ruin is one of the most compelling, clear, deep and well written lorebook ever created. No kidding. I hate reading through most of the well known fluff, we pull out campaigns from two pages OSR tables or improvisation... But this game is sooo intriguing I can't wait actually playing it!
Still digging into this and I really hope this will receive more love! Probably updating my review on my second full read through, but it deseeves all the stars.
Special note for the aet: it's astonishing.
Wonderful take on the "wraith" genre, with a whole setting to get lost into and a masterful fusion of storytelling and light-crunch. Pool based systems are all you need to keep things moving, along with these interesting in-game concepts, perfectly represented by the mechanics themselves. Never played it yet, but a campaign is coming. As a RPG enthusiast and critical system / game / design philosophy analyzer, I think this is a wonderful piece of art, not considering the awesome aesthetics, adding great value to the purchase.
Drakonheim is one of my favourite settings of all times, used it for some background in the black hack and now I'm giving it a reboot with Cortex Prime... I actually struggled to find a system to perfectly pair it with since each bit points to a different direction.
This wonferful little-small mini scenario file (as do the others, for which I'm happy to have paid for!) is a perfect fit for Drakonheim's mundane and low pitched "high pitched" feel. The original Drakonheim book introduces characters with a few concise and useful sentences and that's what TT does. You can play the "Brawny Dead Guard Jonathan" along with the "Crafty anand Old Sister Death" and never feel like you'll need more to represent the idiosincracy of this setting.
Grab this and support this author.
Not much to say, but... Along with the italian Not the End and the incredible Cortex Prime, this is on my personal olympus. Fats, super fun, easy to grasp (hard to master!), customisable, dynamic, probably better than the Core build in terms of accessibility and usability.
Fate requires a huge mind shift and the Book of Hanz is highly recommended before playing, but Fate Accelerated is a perfect gateway and, probably, the perfect game in the Fate product line.
After Woodfall, this was an auto-buy. I love short settings (I love to build huge campaigns along with my players using small environments) with hidden depth. Willow provides a "mood" (which is not easy task!) at first: you can find NPCs, tables, references, some rules-light inputs and lots of ideas to make this shine throughout your shots or long adventures. Support these guys and buy this lovely edited PDF.
SMALL addition, take this as a costructive criticism: I would edit these books with bigger edges and fonts since they might be a bit painful on smaller tablets and that's a shame, since they are the perfect fit for your "portable/virtual" campaigns. :)
5 stars anyway and keep on rocking.
For the studend surpasses the teacher series, Low Fantasy Gaming (now available in a superb revised edition!) is what the (once beloved) 5e should have been.
LFG takes the best out of the modern WotC discoveries and makes them work a lot, lot better. Not only it is more hackable and modular: this game feels a lot more entertaining and better explained. While 5e completely fails (to me at least!) to provide actual modularity (adding it "closed box options" which add starting features, but is actually limited in scope), this game is all about good old school feel with a lot of modern touches we all love.
Rests are perfectly managed, the unified Luck Roll is a lovely reference to the original game and the amount of available customisation options (like the 3-6-9-12 feature) are actually helpful, funny and easy to grasp. Combat can be as crunchy as you need, going from "tell and roll" maneuvering to actual grid based tactics, with effortless transition.
What I love the most about this 1e is the complete absence of hybrids: Magic-Users handle magic. That's it. You can add stuff through the above mentioned optional features, but that's all you get and it requires some actual effort. Magic feels powerful and dangerous while keeping it consistent with the other parts of the system, obviously "Mundane centered" in terms of flavor. Anything magical feels... magical and that's 4 stars alone.
I would have completely removed any "meter-feet" reference for a fluid zone based system, but that's a minor complaint and it's easily hackable. I understand the need of keeping things consistent with other iteractions of the game.
I NEVER review games I don't like, so it's not a mystery I only give high votes. 5 stars and thanks for writing games.
There is a huge misconception I'd like to start with. There are TONS of micro games today: some of them are little more than intellectual excercises, others are a bit more involved, but still... Most of the time, I find them REALLY interesting to try out and analyze for my (hopefully rewarding) upcoming designer career.
I love game design, I love experimenting with one page rules, three line rules or with 684 full fledged crunchy ones.
Sometimes, though, I find some fascinating pieces of art which are difficult to describe: some of 'em are usually considered "games for children", other "too simplistic", but that couldn't be farthest from the truth.
Tricuhe Tales is a genuine masterpiece of design, package and editing. The game offers a 1-3d6 narrative driven system, with a strong touch of "classicism" in it. You need to roll, you take some risk, you MUST narrate and cooperate to generate the best, possible outcome. It's old school in nature, modern school in its core functions, but it never falls in the dreaded "middle school", where you don't see nor the actual effort of making it a playable game nor the narrative tweak (without falling in the PbtA-like trap).
Tricube Tales offers a brilliant "three traits" character creatiuon processs adding two metacurrencies, which I love (a lot biased here, but still): the game is written with passion and elegance. Richard (allow me to call you by name) is a wonderful writer, cunning designer and passionate player (I guess, but I'd bet my own life on it). The more you read, the more you see the endless opportunities for those lazy OR uber passioante GMS wanting to involve many different players in engaging stories. It's not about "not caring the system", cause i LOVE systems: it's about having an EXTRAORDINARY resolution system (I won't spoil it, just buy this, come on!), lots of examples, inputs, variants and setting-ideas.
Last but not least, the game is perfectly edited in BOTH TABLET AND PHONE PDF, which is a great addition. I mean... Sit down with your family (or friends, as soon as it will be able), pull out the phone (oh, you already have it on your hands!), click "Tricuge Tales PDF", open the dice roller and write down your characters on the NOTES app. Perfect for online play as well as for "pub play" (stay safe out there!), this game seems the perfect fit for many gaming nights.
There is a lot to write for such a small game... Because this is "not" minimalist in the intellectual sense: it is a "compact" game with an ENORMOUS potential. 5 stars, no matter the small drawbacks it MIGHT have.
Best modern cyberpunk game, no doubts about it. Funny, easy, quick: it uses some of the well known storytelling game staples in a completely revamped "classic" style language. The book is nicely written and laid out, the PDF is perfect and the sheet is clean. Absolutely evocative and full of inspirational material, it stays on the lower end of the spectrum in terms of word / page count and that's an IMMENSE plus! Highly reccommended.
Creator Reply: |
Thank you so much for this review - I really appreciate it! |
Nicely written, this is a wonderful and simple collection of horror-ish adventures for the almighty Tiny Dungeon 2e engine, easily adaptable to any low-crunch system. As a costructive criticism, I would have gone a bit more in depth with the structures, but the amount of informations you get is really nice and well organised. A complete Hollowfield mini setting would be highly appreciated!