Created in 2006 the game is still great and full of flavor. If you take the most critical parts of aspect creation from fate core you can still have a great time with this game.
Don't believe the five-star reviews. The people who made this had no respect for pulp stories or for roleplaying games.
It's designed for a series of single-session games that are barely connected, if connected at all, with the only thing that does so being the same characters appearing each time. I genuinely don't think don't think the people behind this have actually played their own game, because otherwise they would know the types of players who enjoy games like that would never get into the roleplaying aspects of these games.
Characters are another big fail for this game. All of them are meant to be the same age, have some connection to The Great War, and all are meant to be sociable, well-off people...even though they suggest wild man and criminal archetypes. Ignoring the obvious lack of thinking things through here, the forced lack of variety is made even worse by the fact that adventures in this game are meant to heavily skewed towards problems requiring the characters to use their fists, so that's even more potential characters rendered pointless.
Oh, and advancing characters is discouraged, apparently ignoring how many pulp stories were serials where characters did change. FATE was not the system to pick for this idea, guys. Oh, and when characters do advance, it's supposed to be done with everyone advancing at the same time, regardless of how much they've actually been involved, because some thought doing otherwise is "impolite." Yeah, these people have definitely never played their own game.
To top it all off, there's a half-assed metaplot that might've been interesting, except several core ideas behind it are not explained at all, so it's ultimately useless.
This was the first roleplaying game that introduced me to Evil Hat's Fate system. it was so different then everything else I was playing at the time (D&D, GURPS, Champions, etc.). I devoured it! This will always have a warm spot in my heart.
I really enjoy this. It really captures the over the top world of Pulp. Best of all it has thousands of examples of aspects, traits etc, that are explained and illustrate how they work and how to make them much better than the official rules set.
It didn't hook me at all in the story. Don't know why but this wasn't the game for me.
Creator Reply: |
Honestly at this point it\'s showing its age. We published this in 2006. We\'ve learned a lot in the nine years since. Stay tuned for its sequel, Shadow of the Century! |
Essentially Fate 3.0. Prepare for awesome rip-roaring adventures full of derring-do!
Very simple system that allows pick-up games in a few hours or longer campaigns. I am currently running a campaign using the system and it is some of the best, silliest adventuring I've ever had the pleasure to run.
Evil Hat has done an amazing job with the FATE system. My group and I have greatly enjoyed the Spirit of the Century It is a great blend of science, magic, and technology that allows for fantastic adventures. By no means is this a one shot deal either, it has many threads that can lead adventurers in many different directions, definately a must have!!
Evil hat makes some quality product. Best part of any Evil Hat book is that it's an easy read - no walls of stat blocks or overly confusing jargon, and Spirit of the Century is no exception. On top of that, DriveThru is pretty much the best way to acquire digital RPG products.
This has to be Pulp gaming at it's finest. The mystery and intrigue and gung-ho fights that this oft glossed over genre, shines through in this unique approach to the FATE 3 system. The authors put a lot of thought (and most likely reading) into getting just the proper "pulp" feel. I'll have no problem with giant robots, mad scientists and "Doc Savage" type mysteries again!
Awesome use of the ruleset!
I am quite enamored of the setting and the assumptions about the larger than life aspects of the characters.
I love a big freewheeling game and this is easily one of the best for that style of pley.
The Spirit of the Century rules have changed the way I play games. Aspects are the coolest invention since polyhedral dice, letting you create background stories for your character that have a mechanical effect in the game. The basic mechanics are easy to grasp and there is lots of other stuff (like the stunts) that add depth to your characters. While the rules claim to be "pick up and play" you do need to have a good understanding of them before that is possible, but once you have a few games under your belt this is a fast, outrageously fun game. It hits the tropes of "pulp" adventure smack between the eyes and is incredibly comprehensive. Check them out. Play them.
SotC is a great pulp adventure game that utilizes the simple fudge dice mechanics. It is right up there with Adventure! by whit wolf as far as presentation and writing is concerned. Pulp adventure fans buy this book!
Incredibly well thought system, incredibly well designed game. I am an avid rpg collector and once player. Ive been collecting rpgs for about 14 years now. When youve readen enough of them, similarities between them start to crop up, and its hard to come with a moment of "this is really new and cool" feeling. Only 2 of DTRP books (and ive bought some really nice ones here) have made me feel that. One is Mythic Game Master Emulator and the other is this game. Youre not going to get a much better quality/price ratio than buying this work of art for 15 lousy dollars.
So why buy Spirit of the Century here instead of getting the free SRD, waiting for FATE 3.0 or even buying the real book? Easy answerd! This one has tons of examples and very nice artwork, the SRD has not. Waiting? No option. Get it now! Buy the real book, too, if you can :) As always the real bonus feature is searching with the reader.
Spirit of the Century is the best RPG I have ever read!
Rules that for once are actualy interesting and, shock, fun to read. A hefty tome, weighing in at over 400 pages, SotC is a delight from cover to cover. Excellent mechanics, the best character generation system EVER, brilliant examples of play and a "how to GM" section that is worth reading even for experienced GM's.
A couple of minor niggles, the default setting is a bit uninteresting and I thought the artwork, although evocative of the pulp genre, is a bit poor. However when you weigh this up against the elegance of the system it's a pretty minor couple of points.