Overall: This is a great alteration of the core Tiny Dungeon system. It fleshes out a lot of aspects while still keeping the core system easy to learn and use. Ultimately I feel this is an improvement over the original system and hope the Gallant Knight Games does similiar 'Advanced' series for their other products that are based on TD2e. I also hope they come out with a Hardcover 8x11 size book (not a fan of the smaller size that TD2e came in), the formatting of the PDF suggests this won't be an option however.
Here is a quick pro/con list
pro: formatting is more aestetically pleasing
pro: Artwork is a lot better (than TD2e)
pro: Conversion rules are given which is a plus
pro: Special effects actions are nice
pro: leveling system expanded
con: the bookmarks for the pdf are disorganized
con: PCs start with a mastered weapon (same in TD2e but I don't agree with it - I house rule no mastered weapons at start)
con: post level 8 xp expenditure options feel lacking
neither: Attack test allows for more damage to be dealt on either side - likewise Armor Class has been implemented to lower incoming damage possibly negating it entirely
neither: Initiative is done a little differently - hard to say if better or worse
neither: Classes have been devised and traits have been organized within classes restricting their usage (can be seen as good or bad)