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Iskandar City Sourcebook 5E
Publisher: M.T. Black Games
by Russ B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/16/2021 09:32:57

I have been a fan of M.T. Black's for some time. I appreciate the approach of quality over quantity in his work. This setting book is no different. Iskandar gives you a city and everything you need to run it in just under 100 pages. The book clocks in at 112, but the tables are gracefully reprinted in the back of the book for ease of reference. Each area of the city is presented in a uniform manner with important NPC's, areas, and shops at the ready. Nothing drags on here as everything is covered about a topic in 2 or so paragraphs for the most part.

This is a city you could have up and ready to go in about an hour of reading/skiming the book if you are in a bind. I love the "plug-and-play" aspect here. Included are additional races and class options to bring more options to your campaign, but I will admit I didn't spend too much time on this section as I grafting this city into my own campaign setting rather than adopting the one presented in this book.

My only critique here is the map of the city, but the author clearly states that production costs were purposefully kept low in order to provide the book as most cost-effective as possible. The map does present each section of the city in a readable fashion, but there is little distinction between each quarter.

Overall this is a GREAT city setting book from a great author and I am excited to see more!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Iskandar City Sourcebook 5E
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The Investigator's Companion 5e
Publisher: M.T. Black Games
by Russ B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/27/2020 07:59:25

I am a huge fan of Whispers in the Dark. This book is a awesome collection of player options for that system, or any other 5e game. the magic system is a wonderful blend of risk/reward and the lack of firebolt and other combat heavy spells is a welcome change in pace. I like that spells are expensive and not guaranteed to work. The occupations are also a great addition. There are a total of 28 now and I know my group will enjoy playing them all.

My only hope is that we will see a core book that includes all of these rules/options at some point. With the quick start rules, this book, Lamp Light Sanitarium, and the soon to be released Chicago campaign - I can imagine new fans of the game struggling to know where all the material is.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Investigator's Companion 5e
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Whispers in the Dark: Quickstart Rules for 5e
Publisher: Saturday Morning Scenarios
by Russ B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/27/2020 23:16:37

This is a solid jumpstart to a game that I can't wait to see have a successful Kickstarter and release! Mixing Call of Cthulhu with 5e mechanics was something that I wanted to see ever since I tried COC 7e. The book is written well and I'm running "The Crow Man" this Saturday. I'm a big fan of the Victorian Era - New Orleans setting and I'm looking forward to writing scenarios for this game for my group moving forward.

My thoughts after reading through are:

  1. Would it not make more sense for Sanity to be INT+WIS modifier? I'm trying to figure out how CHA correlates to sanity.
  2. Could we potentially look forward to a setting release, or more fleshed out version of New Orleans in the core rulebook?

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Whispers in the Dark: Quickstart Rules for 5e
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Creator Reply:
Russ Re. INT + WIS - as a long-time DnD person that was my original thought too, but 5e has changed the descriptions around and I felt that the comments that Charisma is a measure of "force of personality" made it the key stat. That said it's your table and I encourage folks to adjust based on what they like! Re. Setting - absolutely. Horror in the Windy City will be Kickstarter March 30th thru April 29th and is a campaign set in Chicago in the late 1800s. New Orleans will continue to be explored in The Crow Man Saga. The next one should be out during the KS (maybe earlier). And I have another book that I'll be crowdfunding later this year that will be explore a third city anda new era. I chat about Whispers a lot on my Twitter if you want to stay in the loop. MT also has a few things up his sleeves too. Thank you for purchase and the review! Matt
I6 Ravenloft (1e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Russ B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/14/2020 08:23:58

This is a situation where the POD was worse than the pdf. My gripes with the POD tend to match many others. The print is blury and appears out of focus. My maps are all black and white while the pdf maps are in color. The map of Barovia is worthless in the POD as you are supoosed to make out intricate details in the elevation by the differences in gray tones. I'm significantly disappointed. I can't understand why the POD can't give us colored maps!

[2 of 5 Stars!]
I6 Ravenloft (1e)
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DM City Book V 1.1 With Form Fillable
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Russ B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/17/2019 08:58:16

This is a great resource for a DM like me who likes to have demographics and details spelled out in front of me when the party approach the town. The book asks you all the important questions to flesh out everything you would need. The author is dedicated as well! He added a form-fillable option within less than 24 hours after me asking for the option. I'll be following this guy's other work for awhile to come!

Great work!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
DM City Book V 1.1 With Form Fillable
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Odyssey of the Dragonlords: Player's Guide
Publisher: Modiphius
by Russ B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/24/2019 08:43:06

This is a promising start to a world that I'm interested in exploring!

The selling point for me, outside of it being free, was the Ancient Greek mythology inspiration for this setting. As someone who has played TTRPG's for over a decade now, I am well versed in how difficult it can be to draw new players into a setting with zero ties to real life. This book was an easy read and most importantly, it was easy to absorb. I've seen lots of settings that get a little too full of their own product and their books start to make as much sense as IKEA instructions. I like that there were nine deities and not forty. This setting seems to be very DM friendly with simple to understand (but left open for personal expansion if that's your thing) lore, flavor, and names.

My only critique of the setting are the two added races. Their base movement speed is a little too high in my opinion. An additional 10 feet for satrys seems odd to me, but that's just me. I think I'll be replacing centaurs with orcs for when I run my campaign in this setting in order to appease my players, but that honestly seems very easy to do.

I am very much going to purchase this setting in May, I think that I saw it releases in May. I think that the maps are beautiful and functional as well. Please include maps of all the major settlements in the full release. I swear that every setting I look into that only has one or two city maps is hard for me get my players into because they want to see the map, and I feel that it's fair for them to have one so they can explore the city without having to stop every two seconds to ask me what direction is something in or if there is a .... shop around here. If I have to find maps myself then there is a clear difference in look, feel, and the quality of the game suffers. If I may also make a small request; Please include names for things like shops and NPC's. I love reading that stuff and having quick reference for my table when my party hits a city. That may just be me, but I love having those details.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Odyssey of the Dragonlords: Player's Guide
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Adzhomancer's Custom Character Sheet
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Russ B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/25/2016 10:06:00

This character sheet is the definitive character sheet for my group! Everything needed for a fleshed out character on front and back is what I am looking for. The ability to fill out more on my weapons/items is something that the standard character sheet doesn't have and this fixes that problem. The ONLY thing that this sheet is missing is the ability to be form fillable, but the author has stated that he will convert it to form fillable so the 5 star seal of approval is given!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Adzhomancer's Custom Character Sheet
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