This book is advertized as "adventure and setting". This is true, though the ratio is like 20% adventure, 80% setting. While the setting is expansive, it lacks detail and feels very shallow, not to mention the Core book contradicts at least one of the published adventures for the setting. The adventure isn't much better, with the story being explained in extremely broad strokes and the details are left for the DM to figure out. The journey through one of the realms, which is supposed to take the PCs from level 7 to level 8, is told in 210 words. For reference, Lost Mine of Phandelver comes up to 500 words even before the first combat encounter.
On top of all that, the book is poorly edited. There are several occasions where the original Italian just hasn't been translated into English, there are many typos and just general errors. A challenge rating 5 Frost Giant has been written with 700 hit points. Garm, the challenge rating 20 guardian of Helheimer, has 120 hit points.
According to the receipt, I paid $10 for this PDF. I'd say it's just barely worth that much, which is sad for a 300+ page book.