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Cool puzzles, interesting ideas and skill tests, and the bonus objectives tie in very well to the main story. The ending is certainly contrived, and way too easy if you include the bonus objectives, but otherwise a solid module. 4/5, would run again.
Strongest of the trilogy by a mile. Still weak as far as what I'd expect from a module: no maps of each of the houses, the bonus objective encounters are a bit contrived (and there's no stated reason why the characters wouldn't head down under the Temple of Shar and try to deal with the vampire there, but they just can't), and the first two parts feel like a misdirection when you consider the last part/encounter, but the roleplaying opportunities are great in this one. 4/5, would run again.
This adventure has one of the coolest AL adventure premises yet, but utterly fails to deliver on it. There's essentially no structure to the adventure, Story Objective A is incredibly unclear, and there's no wrap up to the adventure at all. I wasn't sure what was a planned encounter, a side encounter, or something that could be avoided easily with skill checks.
Don't buy this unless you're looking for DM Rewards, and even then, you still may want to reconsider.
Interesting module with good encounter design. However, the Curse that's applied to the players removes a lot of fun from the game, as can the Wild Magic Surges, and the final encounter is effectively impossible without the right skills. Also, it relies upon external materials for descriptions of the city, and I'm not sure such things should be necessary or even recommended for an AL module. Good, but not fantastic. 4/5
Creator Reply: |
Hey Noah,
Thank you for the review! I understand that the curses involved can cause headaches for everyone at the table, but as this product was written to take place during the events of the Red War those effects had to be front and center for the entirety of the adventure as they were for the epic in question. I also could not directly add the city map and information from the "City Guide: Mulmaster" product, hence the link to it. While I had a few restrictions and necessary parts that had to be added, it sounds like you still had some fun with the adventure and that's good to hear.
If you have any more questions, let me know! |
Interesting concept and adventure design, if slightly poor execution. 4/5
Much better than the previous two adventures. If the rest of season 8 is like this, then I'll look forward to them.
This adventure was bad. It again suffers from the problem of no box text, and there are again either no hooks or weak and under-informed hooks for DMs to provide to the players to get them involved in the main adventure or side quest A. Furthermore, the encounters are not at all balanced for the stated APL (the first main encounter being above Deadly for APL 3), and the adventure guidelines for making the encounter weaker for lower level characters are not only terrible, but in some cases can make the encounter HARDER.
Not only this, but: side quest B has an enemy immune to normal weapon damage (and if you don't give your players a heads up that they need silver weapons or magic, it's an easy TPK for an underleveled party), the second to last fight has an instant death mechanic that has a chance to one-hit-kill 1st level characters , and the last fight is almost a guaranteed TPK for any party not at or above the APL (and certainly so if they don't have silver weapons). Furthermore, the end to this adventure is incredibly railroady and lackluster. And even if your party makes it to the end of the adventure, some of them are probably infected with lycanthropy, so they don't even get the full rewards of the adventure (or they can just scrap their characters and start over, because that's a great way to be introduced to D&D).
Also, how hard is it to annotate the dungeon map? I had to flip between pages just to try to figure out where the characters are.
When I initially read this module, I was unimpressed and ready to give it a low rating (2/5) after running it. However, after having DM'd this, it somehow failed to meet even those low expectations, and I'm giving this a 1/5. Don't buy or run this unless you want Season 8 DM rewards.
I am entirely unimpressed and disappointed by the Season 8 modules. I will not look to run future WotC modules or anything by Kat Kruger for future AL games except for DM rewards. What a waste of money.
I was unimpressed by this module. I've only run one Adventurer's League module before, but I've played in a number of others, and I have all of the hardcover adventures released by WotC, so I'm basing my review on that experience.
My first problem with the module is the lack of helpful descriptions and information for the DM. There's no box text to read, a fair bit of the information is scattered throughout different parts of the module (so you have to flip pages while reading at the table), and there's no maps for any of the main areas. If you're a new DM, or one that doesn't like to improv, I highly suggest you read this over a couple of times and think about the scenes. (Even the NPC personality descriptions aren't with where the NPCs are in the module. I didn't use any of them, because I didn't want yet another thing to flip to while running the adventure.) It's just not convenient to run this module.
Also, much of the actual main scenes are uninteresting, or just odd. While the bonus objectives have flavor and character, everything in the main story is pretty random: why would these restaurant owners hire a bunch of adventurers to serve tables for them, why would this werewolf attack people looking at paintings in his art gallery, and why would there be some random flying daggers in an alleyway. Furthermore, while the puzzle is good, the method in which the players get clues seems just as random and odd as the scenes the clues are in.
I was originally going to give this module a fair rating: 3/5. However, looking at how the module was laid out, how much I had to piece together on my own, and how much I had to make up, I'm giving it a 2/5. This is not what I look for when I buy a module, let alone an Adventurer's League module. Most of the fun my players had in this adventure was because they were interacting with the NPC personalities and scene descriptions I made up on the spot, not due to anything that was written in the module (because everything in the module was either not what I needed or in inconvenient locations). I would not recommend anyone running this unless they want DM Quest rewards for Season 8.
Great module, has a very old-school, dungeon crawling feel. The kobolds encountered are diverse and provide for some interesting encounters, especially the fight with the sorcerer at the end. The only things I would change would be a more detailed map with trap locations, and the big trap not costing 1 downtime day to mine through.