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Micronomicon: A Compendium of Magic
Publisher: Exploding Seed
by Jason W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/15/2022 17:45:07

This is a very good supplement for Tiny Dungeon. This changes Tiny Dungeon 2e from being suited to one shot games to a full campaign system, with great character progression. Plus it's huge.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Micronomicon: A Compendium of Magic
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Tiny Dungeon: Second Edition
Publisher: Gallant Knight Games
by Jason W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/15/2022 17:35:19

For those who don't want to drown in rules, this is excellent. I particularly like the trait and prestige trait system. For those who think it lacks character progression, just add the Micronomicon by John D Payne and problem solved. Very good for new GM's and players or those who are familiar with running osr games.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Tiny Dungeon: Second Edition
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Ironsworn: Delve
Publisher: Shawn Tomkin
by Jason W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/06/2020 07:25:39

Another fantastic product from Shawn T. As if Ironsworn could get any has with this supplement. It merges with the core rules effortlessly and the extra mechanics even improve what was already 10/10. A purchase item as opposed to free, but glad to pay and support Shawn T. Shawn is so talented I will buy his next release without even looking at any reviews. Especially with the prospect of Starforged!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Ironsworn: Delve
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Publisher: Shawn Tomkin
by Jason W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/06/2020 07:24:50

A truly magnificent game. PBTA Dungeon World crossed with Mythic. The production is first rate and way better than many premium games. The way the mechanics fuel the narrative is very impressive. The Oracles are inspiring and fire the imagination. Flexible game world, Vikings blended with Game of Thrones. Great solo, awesome in coop. Incredibly this is also free! Its so good its replaced DW...sorry Adam K.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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The Black Hack
Publisher: Gold Piece Publications
by Jason W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/02/2017 13:40:31
I recall the days of the first D& D basic set from the 70's. It blew my child mind. I matured with AD & D. Then for me it changed with v3.5. I hated it. The game became slow, as a GM it was a arduous. A game session became endless tables and rolls. It killed the flow and fun. I stopped playing. Years passed and I stuck to board games. Then I looked for a rules lite rpg. I found The Black Hack. Immediately I recalled the old days of gaming that didn't require an accounting present to play. I love this system. It is simple to the extreme. More a set of basic game physics than rules. A breeze to learn. Fast gameplay. Combat with no pauses. I like the attribute test engine and the advantage disadvantage roll. Yeah its basic but thats the point. Make rolls up as your go, maintain the theatre of the game with no "hang on I need to look that roll up" in addition you can use any pre written adventure and tweak it without difficult conversions. I'm dusting off the old TSR module's for some retro fun. It's incredibly cheap and pdf friendly. I'm padding out spells with my old AD&D books. In fact use any rule book or expansion and improvise. If your a number cruncher you will hate it. If like me you just want to get on with play with total flexibilty you will love it.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Black Hack
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