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101 Cursed Items
Publisher: Zenith Games
by Matthew T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/23/2021 21:50:39

The best curses are the ones that open up opportunities for role play and almost all the items deliver just that. Many curse books fall into the trap of a curse just murdering a player character with extra steps, but this book avoids this for the most part. The items that are a bit murdery, like the "Cape of the Waking Nightmare," are hilarious and demand the players take quick action to resolve. While these items are designed for pathfinder, I can see many of the items working for other fantasy settings just fine or with small conversions. This is a welcome addition to my collection and I look forward to tormenting my players with its contents.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
101 Cursed Items
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