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CCC-YLRA01-03 Bound By Duty
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Linda S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/16/2017 19:37:23

Jay is one of my favorite writers of D&D modules. He always creates intriguing, fast-paced, compelling stories, NPCs, and combats.

One of my favorite elements is that the PCs are given different specific tasks in addition to the overall goal... and some of those tasks compete with one another. It's so fun watching the players slowly figure out that they are at odds and letting them figure out how they are going to prioritize and work together. Its an added layer of depth that you don't always see in these kinds of modules, and it's really well done.

There's a ton to work with in this mod, and it's open-ended enough that the PCs' activities have a significant impact on the outcome (something else you don't always see in mods like this). I've seen or heard about several different sessions of this adventure, and every single one has turned out incredibly different. I really love that; it gives the players the feeling that they are actually having an impact on the events, not that they are being railroaded to a set conclusion.

Get this module. You won't be disappointed.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-YLRA01-03 Bound By Duty
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CCC-YLRA01-02 Uneasy Lies the Head
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Linda S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/16/2017 19:28:10

This adventure is something of a whodunnit, and it's incredibly fun to play and to DM. The author has given options within the module to allow the DM to choose who the baddie is (and, thus, what clues to give the PCs), so there's great replayability here. Highly, highly recommended!

Fair warning that it can easily run longer than 4 hours as the PCs explore, talk to people, and uncover clues, so be aware of that going in. One group that I ran this for took almost 6 hours because they are heavy on the roleplaying side and insisted on checking out all possible clues. At the end of that game, I had voiced 23 unique NPCs. (Yes, I counted. And yes, that includes the cat.)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-YLRA01-02 Uneasy Lies the Head
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CCC-YLRA01-01 Her Dying Wish
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Linda S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/16/2017 19:23:04

I love this trilogy. It's interesting, it's funny, and it has great combat and roleplaying opportunities. The NPCs are unique and memorable, so as a DM with a background in theater, I really loved getting to sink my teeth into numerous characters.

This trilogy has gotten a lot of play time at my local stores and conventions, and everyone I know who has played just one of these modules has loved them.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-YLRA01-01 Her Dying Wish
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