I've been a fan of the pet monster genre since the original release of Pokémon Red and Blue (and, of course, the original digimon virtual pet before the show ever came out). Later, I loved games like Monster Rancher and Jade Cocoon…
I've been searching for a similar experience with Table Top Roleplaying Gaming and everything before MajiMonsters always fell short. This game delivers the best monster catching/training/battling genre in table top RPGs thus far. Not only that but it gives you an implicit setting/system that is fantasy (high, heroic, and dark) meets quasi-post-apocalyptic. Since the setting is more hinted instead super documented, you (as a GM) can create whatever the hell you want.
I definitely recommend MajiMonsters to everyone who has an interest in unique fantasy RPGs and pet monsters/monster catching/monster battling.
I hear it's great for kids too...but I'm a grown ass man and love it. Getting my first group together to play soon. Enjoy.