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Cult of the Dragon (2e) €4,82
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Cult of the Dragon (2e)
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Cult of the Dragon (2e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Michael W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/09/2023 07:50:25

Quite unefeul for all the Sword COats Advenutes I have writtng but also for the Tyanny of the Dragons campgin I have worrten, A great course of lore and what has bee going otn geretly the Cult

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Cult of the Dragon (2e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Edward C. O. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/12/2021 20:03:51

the POD is pretty good. the scans are really clear and no blurring.

as the content itself, it's pretty good to give you ideas to make your own Dragon Cult. it gives some really great lore and history on how the Dragon Cult came to be, and gives campaign tools and tips to add how the CUlt gets its funds, where they would have people in a city/town, etc.

overall, great book!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Cult of the Dragon (2e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Zachary B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/13/2020 23:31:05

Quick review of the PoD version for anyone interested. The book itself is high-quality- even higher quality than the original that was released. Used copies of that go for around the same price that you can get a PoD copy, so there's that. Mine came with the title printed on the spine, though I know this is not always the case...I think it varies by what printing studio your order is sent to, based on your location.

The content is, of course, useful for anyone that wants to bring the Cult into their campaign as an ominous and threatening presence. I mean, undead dragons and a vicious, secretive cult that worship them...I think that's enough of a threat for any band of adventurers to take seriously, don't you?

Like the Code of the Harpers, the book outlines and details the hierarchy, habits, and influence of the Cult. It contains everything a DM would need to present them in a campaign as a threat to be taken very seriously. Throw in other organizations like the Zhentarim and the Red Wizards, and you've got plenty of challenges for a party of any strength or disposition.

It's easy to reccomend this volume, since the physical quality is higher than even the original, and it contains a wealth of information about one of the Realm's most reclusive and secretive organizations.

Unfortunately, my copy came damaged - like every other single softcover PoD I've ever ordered here - but I think that's more a problem with the specific printing studio my order was sent to. It's well-worth the money, especially considering the price of a used copy. Just get this one, as it's (mostly) cheaper and higher quality.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Cult of the Dragon (2e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Greg T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/12/2018 22:06:49

Product is everything you could hope for from this topic.

PDF version is complete and text-searchable.

Print version is high quality and, to my mind, entirely interchangeable with the original book. Spine does NOT have any text on it.

Contents of the book cover everything you could want to know about the Cult of the Dragon - a full biography and multiple stat blocks for its founder, a full history of the cult including timelines and references to events in novels that featured them, dragons serving the cult, life as a low-tier cult member, hooks for adventures on behalf of the cult or thwarting it, and the traditional handful of new spells and magic items. If you're running an adventure featuring the Cult (for example the 5E Tyranny of Dragons adventures) or just looking to flesh out a campaign-level evil organisation for your Realms game, this book provides everything you want. It is, of course, set in the 2E era of the Realms, but the cult seems to have changed little in the 100+ years between that and 5E.

If you're not already interested in the Cult of the Dragon, your mileage may vary, but this material is still very easy to drop into any Realms campaign. Alternatively, it would require very little work to port some or all of it to any other setting where "wizards who worship undead dragons" is a concept that basically makes sense.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Cult of the Dragon (2e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Chris S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/27/2006 00:00:00

For a DM who likes to employ the Harpers and other "secret" societies in his campaigns, this book was very useful. It focused, strongly, on the group that is known as the Cult of the Dragon. It talked about its founder, how he came to be, what the thoughts are of dragons regarding this group, what the Cult of the Dragon opposes, and what their goals are, and most importantly, how to incorporate the Cult into one's campaign<br><br> <b>LIKED</b>: A large, large, large wealth of information!<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: None<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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