It's a really good update of a good idea and in updating it makes it more accessable (security cameras being a good example) or understandable to a new scifi audience. The scenario itself is not complex allowing for a one off well within a starting game masters abilities or the bones are there to build a major campaign around these events. I think its very useful and was a great gift from Mongoose at xmas. If you want to bring traveller to your table this is a good place to start.
I like this module not because it's exceptional it's good but its not special. What it offers is a form familiar to people who play and run D&D modules as a result it is a great way introduce people to Boot Hill as both a game and a setting being the wild west. I recommend it it is a useful product if you want to run boot hill and have it and eaiser time running it. It's not a big module but it has a town section (Dead Mule), and a wilderness section, random and scripted encounters then there is a small dungeon. There are also a few handouts to help at the table. The quality of the copy isnt an issue but the age of the product shows in various ways the blue map for example, I ordered the hard copy and PDF and I'm happy with it. I think a GM is going to need to do a bit of work to get the best out of this but if you do there is so much to expand on here that you could enjoy this with a group of players for as many sessions as you wanted to build out of the town of dead mule which amounts to a micro setting which has far more potential than the average module, not unlike the isle of dread for example where its a question of how much expansion do you really want to do in order to build off the base product.
I enjoyed this product I beefed it up and ran it over 2 sessions, my players loved it too. Its a free product that runs really well in an x-files way and if that is what you are looking for this is a great way to try it on. Advice read through it and plan some contingincies for the any easy ways the players might avoid the challenges set out in the scenario. Allow them to plan but put time pressure on them. Not a lot of action but really good suspense also it works well as a springboard for a campaign if you want to do so.
Nice idea but it felt incomplete. Given its free take a look feels like the OSR that it is but it carries the warts of that with it, if you love OSR then might be just what you need my advice is run it and see how it goes as it reads well.
The is a fast moving elegant system, Gm's will need to either writer their own stuff or convert for this system as it isn't well supported. The system however is complex but once understood allow for fast yet detailed outcomes where the player can have a bit more agency in that a roll can often be read a couple of ways which means that players have choices to make and enjoy. It prints well too and is perhaps the best or 2nd best option for running Lovecraftian games, for me it pushes BRP out of contention.
Its a classic product and it holds up better than most of its peers of the time. The line is well supported and yeah the art and presentation is of the time but its still really usable.
This is the best of line for me. I run it using the 3rd ed rules and BH3 is an original that will keep the social rpg options flowing as a sand box game. The gm will need to do the homework but in doing so will have a vibrant living setting to play in that has plenty of cool options allowing the public sentiment to come to the fore in having the setting react to the behaviour of the characters. It is flexible enough to accomodate plenty of other sub games like say a jury trial or tracking down a bounty on a robber etc.
I like conan but the 2d20 wasn't for my group. That said if 2d20 is your thing or you want to look at the latest Conan game it great that the line is supported not only with this but also other Free rpg day options from modiphius. I will say its very well built with good art.
Really good, step by step how to gm, I've been gaming regularly for 35 years and I was able to take a lot of value from it. It fills the space between the "i can wing the session entirely" and the "i have hours of prep for every hour of table time".
This is my go to for gritty fantasy and was good enough that I went on to buy the core product. This is a bite size scenario almost surly only one session in it and its cool: great setting feels like warhammer fantasy role play, Lankmahr or Elric! really gritty no prisoners and not epic or over the top at all. The system is based of fuzion/cyberpunk stat plus skill and roll 1d10. It has a crafting system and ablative equipment rules which really puts the preassure on the players to plan and think. Thinking persons fantasy roleplaying and it has the advantage of plenty of available material from the video game and novels, but there are comics and art. There is a great fan community that has story ideas etc. This is a free product so its just a snapshot but it is worthwhile.
I got it for the nostalgia, it shows its age honestly but mine it for material and its great that it is available but it drives like the older product that it is. There are better things in this line.
Free is good, and it works and looks great but its very busy.
I liked it enough to buy the full version. Its an easy system to learn and use, the setting is interesting and later than the usual fantasy settings. The line is well supported, it runs a gritty game well. It's worth a session at least and if you like it I think it will really ike it.
Really like this, its simple effective combat/skills system which supports; good character growth and back story, the setting is efficient and brutal they marry up well. its very accessible to new players as well. It reminds me of chaosium's Elric and the various Conan rpgs but its a better system all round. Many of you might recall cyberpunk 2020, this is essentially the same thing adapted for this setting.
i really enjoyed this one i love the genre, i find it allows me to use a simple accessable system to bring stories into focus. I have plenty of source material and converted some of the elements of the original boothill tsr products to it, stealing plots from old western novels is really easy work as so few actually gamers seem to have explored them.Using 5th ed means i can bring fantasy gamers into the action without learning a new system and it allows character progression in a measured way, this book allows you to replicate aspects of D&D race class levels even dungeon crawls but widen the scope to allow more diplomacy, or weird stuff like cattle drives or elections etc. Dont be too tturned off by race yes we are all human its really just a way to add variation to the theme but could be easily left out if it doesnt fit your needs.