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B1 In Search of the Unknown (Basic)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Douglas [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/13/2024 12:30:23

Like much of the older D&D stuff, this was originally designed with a removable cover where the maps were printed on the inside. The module itself is a fairly straightforward introduction to the game for players and attempts to demonstrate to DMs how to populate a dungeon with treasure and monsters, but isn't entirely remarkable in helping a new DM otherwise.

POD of course prints the maps on the pages rather than utilizing the format of the original publication. Although the maps don't suffer from the binding issue other modules in these series have, it's still less easy to use. If you really want this, go for the PDF and print anything you think you need. If you must have PoD, I still recommend plotting the map pages for ease of use.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
B1 In Search of the Unknown (Basic)
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B2 The Keep on the Borderlands (Basic)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Douglas [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/13/2024 12:26:04

For the most part, this is a decent scan of the original, with a few caveats. They use the original font type and such and it doesn't always come out well for the PDF, but overall I wouldn't complain about it.

POD wasn't bad either, however note the original had a removable cover and inside that was a map printed on the inside cover. The POD just slaps this map in the print itself and the middle is lost in the binding. If you really need a POD you can, but you're better off finding a way to print the cover and main map yourself and not lose information. I'm finding this to be somewhat common in many of these early-day D&D books which is definitely a downside to an otherwise decent POD

[3 of 5 Stars!]
B2 The Keep on the Borderlands (Basic)
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