Format: Acceptable. Direct scan to pdf of a new - quality book. The top - level chapters are bookmarked, but there is no other non - scan information.
Text: Mediocre. The pdf produces acceptable black text, but many of the headings are in light orange and are barely visible in my inkjet printout. On the computer screen, they can be read with difficulty.
Images: Not bad. The original artwork was very good indeed, though the pdf quality blurred them somewhat, they are still clear.
Language: OK. Most of the book is in cant, a dialect spoken in the fictional town of Sigil. If you're planning to use cant, this is an excellent introduction - it is very easy to learn and a cant dictionary is found in the back of the book. Otherwise it is tolerable.
Content: Outstanding. While I would not reccomend basing an entire campaign on just this book, it is all that is needed if you are deciding whether to use it.