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MUTANT: Year Zero - Zone Sector 1 - The Doom Sphere
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MUTANT: Year Zero - Zone Sector 1 - The Doom Sphere
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MUTANT: Year Zero - Zone Sector 1 - The Doom Sphere
Publisher: Free League Publishing
by Björn L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/14/2024 12:59:35

Another mysterious zone sector - a Mephisto review

The Doom Sphere

The Doom Sphere is a booklet that introduces another zone sector, this time revolving around a huge, spherical building where Ancients used to watch performances or competitions. But it is not without reason that this place is now called the Doom Sphere because even if secrets and treasures seem to be hidden here, this place is considered dangerous. Of course, this may be an incentive for player characters to take a closer look, and so this booklet introduces the place, its inhabitants and some of the events and conflicts that the players may become involved in.

As is common for such scenarios for Mutant Year Zero, there are starting points and story ideas provided here, but no elaborate adventure plot or defined goal for the players to achieve. How they interact with this zone sector is up to them. Even if Denizens of the Sinkhole provided a more challenging setting, in my view, this location definitely has potential for one or two gaming sessions.

(Björn Lippold)

[3 of 5 Stars!]
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