Mutants, prophets and other monsters - a Mephisto review
Lair of the Saurians
Lair of the Saurians is the first Zone Compendium to introduce several zone sectors for Mutant Year Zero. In contrast to the Zone Sector booklets, the book offers four of these special locations. It starts with the eponymous Lair of the Saurians, a lair where lizard-like mutants hide. This is followed by the Oracle of the Silver Eye, a mysterious prophet who resides in a high-tech capsule. Seeds of Evil is structured more as a scenario than a location, even if the events are linked to an old bathhouse. The book concludes with the Family Homestead, a seemingly idyllic suburban home with a family living as they did before the catastrophe.
The book is supplemented by a few brief notes on the subject of long journeys on large-scale maps, where the relevant sectors are much more expansive, as well as a series of random tables that can be used to generate monsters.
The four settings are well-chosen and offer variety, even if there is again the variant of the local tribe being threatened by a second power, so that the player characters have to choose sides. However, the sectors that offer their dark secrets are particularly convincing. Two of the scenarios can certainly pass as horror scenarios (subtle but no less convincing). In my opinion, the rules for the long journeys and the monster generator are just accessories, but I really liked three of the four zone sectors, and they offer an exciting addition to the player characters' zone. So if you still need exciting and dangerous places in the neighborhood of the Ark, you will find several approaches here.
(Björn Lippold)