This game was truly the most fun I've had reading an RPG in..maybe forever? Absolutely hilarious! The advice for running the game is sprinkled with very funny jokes, most of the supernatural disease entries made me smile or laugh. AND, on top of all that the footnotes and research done alternate between humorous and serious references. P.S. As someone indirectly involved in medical coding, the diagnosis system was very well thought out and smartly simplified. It was an absolute joy to read!
It's quite a bit like Microscope but with a timer. This is a good improvement because it does not allow overthinking, analysis paralysis, and less getting stuck on what happens next. It is a quite clever system for creating unique ideas.
My actual rating is 4.5 but it's a much more succinct & streamlined Dungeon World with a little less D&D holding it back. Only negatives I see are: 1) some moves in some character playbooks (aka character classes) still seem broken - like in the Paladin and the Gunslinger. 2) Most of the Make Camp points were cut entirely rather than tweaking them to be more fun 3) I still want carousing
My true score would be 4.5 but rounded up here. The prior reviews r spot on. The system is fine - simple enough - but the setting is incredible! Thoroughly unique, just slightly thought provoking in the tech & how to solve problems in this different world, & while the system does not provoke type of stories, the setting does set expectations
It feels more like a draft but of a pretty decent OSR game.
If you want Apocalypse World literally reskinned for the edges of a fictional Roman Empire, then this is for you. If you want any moves adding to the themes or genre like Sparticus, this will not do much for you. Also, there is a LOT of Latin names for things...which makes sense but for a simple reskin, mostly makes things more complicated and not worth the additional flavor.
I would LOVE to get into a game of Whitehack. It seems to me that Crown adds in many of the rules that were intentionally left out of Whitehack because they are more simulationist and far less narrative. Which, I can understand some folks thinking Whitehack is too narrative forward but I'd rather stick with Whitehack 3e/4e
It's a bit too clean and precise to give a sewer feel but it will work fine for a PWYW product
If you are running Trilemma with OSE, B/X, or most of the OSR D&D or D&D-like games, this is a MUST HAVE supplement and a very good value!
This is nothing more than 5e re-skinned. Absolutely no innovation on the rules, no improvements, a setting as cliche as cyberpunk gets. That said, it's not a bad port.
If this sounds AWESOME to you, do yourself a favor and pick it up! If you are on the fence, does Honey Heist rpg sound too childish but the concept seems fun? Then you WANT this game! PERFECT for a one shot where too many players are missing for your regular game. VERY simple rules, easy character creation, adult humor, everything you expected from this title!
Updated: I updated to 4 stars because my original review was a bit unfair. I was just feeling more overwhelmed playing OSE than I would have expected after my first play with a poorly organized OSR adventure. That's quite helpful really so are the saving throws and really going through the book most of what would be critical to most sessions is there.
My real issue is: 1) that it could include abilities for more classes instead of spell progression 2) the OSR adventure was a disorganized mess (and not an OSE product)
Creator Reply: |
It sounds like you may be thinking of a different product. The OSE referee's screen inserts consist purely of rules and procedures from the game: Combat rules + tables, Ability checks + saving throws rules, Movement rules + table, Dungeon exploration procedure + rules, Wilderness exploration procedure + rules, Encounters procedure + rules, Downtime rules, Summary of class abilities + class tables, Equipment list + weapon stats, Land vehicles. |
I looked through a LOT of character class sheets before I found these. I used these for my pre-gen characters at conventions and they were just what I needed.
It's fine but nothing here you haven't seen before. There are plenty of better options out there