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Ardanyan's Revenge (Classic Edition) €14,28
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Ardanyan\'s Revenge (Classic Edition)
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Ardanyan's Revenge (Classic Edition)
Publisher: FASA
by Patrick M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/16/2008 00:30:22

This adventure is especialy suited to kick start a new Earthdawn campaign. Large part of the book is dedicated to background information, so Gamemasters should find it easy to build additional encounters/stories from these pages.

The adventure itself has some logical flaws which can lead to the last chapter not playing out as written in the book, but overall we have had some fun with this module.

Must say that there are some better "adventures" out therer for Earthdawn, but the extensive "setting"/background part of this product makes up for it.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Ardanyan's Revenge (Classic Edition)
Publisher: FASA
by Terence C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/03/2008 21:20:37

Excellent adventure, one of the best Earthdawn adventures dones excellent stuff....

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Ardanyan's Revenge (Classic Edition)
Publisher: FASA
by Dan B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/15/2008 23:27:08

This adventure worked great for my players. They wanted something a little different. So, in running them through this I barely even used a third of the NPC's and only half of the setting. The setting is so detailed I could lift from it for a long long long long time. After reading the setting and story details (plot) I was personally convinced that I should keep the characters in that setting as their home base to return to after the adventure was over. They loved playing in this. It's a big mystery that unfolded nicely. We got off script a few times but to be expected. With some guidance from the adventure we got back on track. The mystery and conspiracy were layered enough that it took a while to investigate. I did have to hunt and peck for informtaion though. Some of the main NPC's motivations were not listed with their description, so make sure you read this thoroughly from start to finish. I ran it where I just read ahead enough to run it. So, do yourself the favor and read it front to back and make notes. I wouldn't have gotten off script had I done so. Since this adventure can be run in 1 of 2 ways I will use this again on a different group of players one of these days. I look forward to more settings like this and more adventures where the characters have to use their wits, skills, and talents. And not just a sharp sword.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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