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Glenbuckie Daydreams 001: Queer Pride Barbarians
by Jeffrey F. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/10/2019 14:03:42

This Barbarian Instinct is well written and looks to be a fun at the game table. The art and layout are both excellent. I can't wait to see future releases for Pathfinder 2nd from this publisher.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Glenbuckie Daydreams 001: Queer Pride Barbarians
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The Gardener Base Class
by Tyler E. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/15/2017 20:07:59

Built like nothing you've ever seen in the Pathfinder system, the gardner is equal parts half-tank, harasser, and Magic: The Gather counter deck, giving the whole class a design philosophy and play style that truly is all its own. Starting from a base build similar to that theorhetically tankier rogue, the Gardener gains access to newly designed plant powers, supernatural abilities that allow them to transform harmless seeds into deadly plant based weapons that function like nothing seen in the game. Difficult to describe in depth without explaining nearly the whole book, what makes each of these powers; from giant smashing vines and spiny cactus limbs to health choking nettles so interesting is not just their ability to cause trouble for your enemies but the fact that ALL OF THESE POWERS CAN BE ACTIVATED AS IMMEDIATE ACTIONS in response to enemy actions. Now, on the surface that might not sound that devastating compared to the host of options floating around in Pathfinder but when combined with extra abilities of each plant like Crushing Cactus' ability to interrupt and potentially negate any action that provokes an AoO, the Dynamite Seeds crippling penalties to the ranged attacks of those shooters who triggered the action, or the Briar Break's ability to generate living hard cover whenever an enemy attempts to charge you, potentially locking themselves down on the wrong side of an angry wall of thorns you begin to realize that not only is this class an absolute blast to play but through its playstyle it fundamentally changes the nature of any combat it shows up in. Watch your player's Wizard's jaw drop when the Gardener interrupts his spellcasting with Crushing Cactus, forcing a save that if he fails not only fizzles the spell but costs him the action or when a PC Gardener saves his buddy by literally shooting plant shrapnel into a would be assassain that causes his sure hit to veer wildly and you begin to see the potential. Players begin to play games of hunt down the Gardener while PC Gardeners try to play this deadly game of skirmisher keepaway, always trying to be close enough to the action to trigger their deadly counter plant attacks but far enough from the heavy hitters to not get steamrolled by whatever angry monstrocity you just Cactus Slapped across the face. And to top the whole package off the entire system is balanced by limited number of actions that already exist in the rules! Allowing each of these powers to be amazingly powerful and capable of flipping a fight on its head but at only 1 a turn forcing the Gardener to pick and choose whether to throw that seed and intervene against the one horrible monster or another, easier target but potentially leaving themselves or their party open to an assault.

The whole thing is this perfect blend of simple concept with immeasurable depth of play that has so far set the bar for what I expect of new class design going forward, as Glenbuckle brings us not onlay a new class that is fun to play, but completely changes the way players have to think about action economy and designers should think about building classes in relation to the d20 system.

In short: This, designers do more of this. You've left an avid talker and writer at a loss for words in all the right ways.

Note: If there is one flaw to this book that I'd have to mention it's the cover. I like the art but with it's busy green background and the elaborate title font the the cover ends up being both a little too busy and the words themselves troublesome to parse out without a bit of squinting. I like the idea, but it's so busy it unfocuses the eye. Eitherway, that minor quibble does little to dampen my absolute surprise at the rest of the content and new ideas bursting out of this little out of left field folio. If this is what I can expect from Glenbuckle going forward I am all too excited to see what comes next.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Gardener Base Class
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The Gardener Base Class
by N. J. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/17/2017 13:37:36

Hey there, giving this smaller publisher a look with their new product!

What I liked

-The quirkiness of the seeds being listed in your base gear got a smile from me.

-Weed out is a really cool ability that goes in a direction I wasn't expecting, making it quite unique.

-Stability talents are a good way to make a boring class feature more interesting.

What I wasn't sure about

-I'd have liked more plant powers, but that's just me being selfish here.

-Again, a personal complaint, I'm not a fan of bonus feat design, that's just me.

What I didn't like

-I wish the gardening weapons had been more unique; it's a cool idea, but it doesn't feel like it goes far enough. It's also vague on if they can be enchanted like weapons since some of them would normally be considered tools.

Final Thoughts

This is a considerably small product that's exactly what it says on the tin; it's a gardener class. The lack of feats, archetypes, sample character, and other content wasn't great, but this class does what it does, and it does it in an interesting way for a basically non magical class. The layout work was fine although somewhat spotty at points and it feels like it could have benefited from a dedicated editor, making me give this about a 3.5, rounded up for the sheer quirkiness of the product.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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