Advanced Crimson Dragon Slayer offers a serviceable game system without the use of numerous books.
A useful tool even though not really required as alpha blue is pretty easy to run. However as its free you might as well get it.
There's minimal, and there's incomplete. This is incomplete. The second line in this "micro TTRPG" says, "This is really all you need..." Which is fine, unless you need a method to resolve attacks, or you want to know how armor works. It's possible that the "full" version of Crimson Dragon Slayer explains these things. But this version does not. Something like Microlite 20 does a lot more in 2 pages, and is also free. The presentation on this one is good as far as that goes, but you can't play a game's presentation. There are just too many free ultra-lite choices out there for this one to be a serious contender.
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This was never supposed to be a "complete" RPG, but a continuation of the Crimson Dragon Slayer hack or houserule-hybrid merging the OSR with 5e. If you're familiar with D&D, Crimson Slayer Micro TTRPG will open your eyes to what's possible. Don't just take my word... download and use it. ;)
In case you want a D20 compatible Alpha Blue - this is exactly that. Honestly for me the D6 rules are simple and a good fit, but I undersatnd there are a lot of D20 fans who might appreciate this option.
Everything you need. Really. This is enough to get everyone to understand the game and kick it off. If you want super complex crunch then CDS probably isnt for you, but you can add it all if you really want.
A great guide in a less traditional sense. As someone who has struggled following writing guides and dm prep tutorials, following as Venger lays out his thought process has helped enomerously in wrangling my own. 10/10
Cha'altian tome filled with tons of worldbuilding advice, tables, and mechanic suggestions. This thing is long, filled with a ton of ideas. Thankfully, hyperlinked TOC makes this hefty supplement easily navigable. I really do enjoy the variety of good topics - smelly cat is kinda funny I guess lol.
The Black Pyramid is nuts, but the rest of desert is ripe with story. We are 3 sessions into our Cha'alt campaign, and we may be here for a couple years. Did as Venger advised, got PCs to level 3, then pushed them through the Stygian Library which opened into the Sunken Library and now they are stuck on Cha'alt.
Love it. Level cap at 20. Good Art. Could have used more advancement options. ( Only one special ability at level 7, but maybe intended as it is micro ttrpg). A lot of freedom to import other OSR type rules, mechanics, spells etc. Includes Sleaze Factor and Crimson Escalation features from Venger’s other games. Cha’alt On.
It's Venger. He's fun. He talks to his fans. And this is a simple fun RPG ruleset - especially good for one shots since the rules are short.
probably not what you are expecting. it isnt a recipe for creating a setting but rather a description of the process. very interesting
A fun comic. If you like rpg adventure in conic form this is for you. If not, why are you on drivethru?
Its part of the Trilogy. If you like Venger, you like Cha'alt or you like non standard OSR adventure then this is for you.
A nice idea but honestly I think this is pretty niche interest. Doesnt feel to me that there is enough of an upside to the die, it feels to be something like "take a hit of cringe for a reroll later". This isnt what Im looking for in my games but is certainly an option for people looking for less Tolkein and more Adam Sandler in their games
I really like the cards. A nice way to give players agency and bring more fun into the game. Not for everyone, for example people who prefer more simulationist games