WHY HAVE I NOT HEARD OF THIS BEFORE NOW? This game is AMAZING. I mean, the obvious thing is that it's free, which means even if it was terrible it would be worth a look. But the fact is, it isn't terrible. It's actually not even mediocre. Not even good. It's great. The characters, the writing, the mechanics flow together seamlessly, and the game is a living monument to what design integration is all about. If you like narrative games, and character-oriented development and character advancement, this is a game for you. Following six former shadow-ops agents in a semi-near future full of cybernetic enhancement and corporate espionage (one mixing elements of Deus Ex, Corporation, and Cyberpunk 2020), Always/Never/Now boasts a narrative-driven core mechanic that ties each character's unique talents and abilities to their every attempted feat. Characters progress and gain abilities and skills through development and revelation of more of each character's personal story, while progressing through an elaborate, information-based mystery plot.
This game is free.
And it's one of the best narrative-based tabletops I've played in years.
You should really, really get it.
And then donate Will Hindmarch the $40+ that it's actually worth.