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Earthdawn Gamemaster's Compendium (Classic Edition)
by Christian S. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/26/2007 10:56:44

A book of superior quality. All informations a earthdawn gamemaster need are included.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Earthdawn Gamemaster's Compendium (Classic Edition)
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Runvir's Tomb: An Earthdawn Shard (Classic Edition)
by Dan B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 06/14/2007 12:35:27

Every time I start a new Group in Earthdawn I use this adventure. It's Perfect. It uses everything in the Game in one adventure. You meet the hired help of the ruler of a city and they hire you to retrieve an item that will aid the ill ruler. You then travel to an underground Kaer. You battle beasties and the undead. You face off against a minor horror but you also need to outwit the fiend as well. You then have to travel back to the city and give the item to the lackeys of the city ruler. It's got traps, nasty creatures, and the undead.

I tell you it's just long enough to make it a 2-3 session adventure but also short enough to whet the party's appetite without drawing things out too far. I've been the gamemaster for this adventure 4 times now and it's been a hit every time. There's team participation, a dungeon-crawl atmosphere, monsters, and a heaping dose of mandatory ROLE-playing involved. Plenty of magical treasure and coinage can be found within as well. I've GM'd Earthdawn for a decade now and this is still the most complete short adventure I have found. Once again... perfect.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Runvir's Tomb: An Earthdawn Shard (Classic Edition)
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