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Fallout: The Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook PDF
by kristine y. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/12/2021 16:31:22

A book that weighs in at 438 pages. The art in the book is great and shows off the world of fallout well. The rules section is short but easy to use and understand. pc creation section is straight forword and has examples covering each part. The book contains chapters on the major companies and vualt tech. Campaign area is the commonwealth area. If you have played the video game you can tell how detailed Modiphius covered in this book. An extensive equipment section is included as are rules for scavenging and crafting. The book does a good job of covring the enemies in the game. One thing this book has is a lot of charts. It seems like there is a chart covering everything. If you have played any other 2d20 game you will pick up the rules quick. For new players they can pick up the rules with little difficulty. If you like fallout or post nuclear war settings then this book has you covered.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Fallout: The Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook PDF
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Fallout: The Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook PDF
by Andrew C. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/10/2021 12:31:51

Just amazing. Modiphius realy got the feel of the Fallout universe in this one.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Fallout: The Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook PDF
by Paul H. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/09/2021 05:28:35

I will start with where I think that Modiphius product, did best with this book. The artwork is on point and catches the correct vibe all the way through. One scene is so out of the video game, I am pretty sure I went through the exact scene that the artist drew. The font is easy for my dyslexic eyes to read, and the layout is pretty good with pink(ish) callouts for important notes etc. So a good job there from Modiphius there.

If you have played the traditional 2D20 systems of these, I think you will be able to pick it up well. It’s a traditional 2d20 maybe a bit more mechanically heavy and random tables (I love a random table!) and equipment choice along with a new luck mechanic. I think that the 2d20 system is a good basis for converting video game to tabletop game, as I think was clear from how I can spot elements derived from the video game instantly. So, while I have yet to play it, I think that will be a nice transfer of experiences! It might be a bit time consuming the first couple of sessions (as are most games), but experience will help with that.

My core problem is not with the game itself (the 2d20 system is well trodden at this point), but really who the book is for in a manner of speaking.

There isn’t really an introduction of what is Fallout (at the time of Fallout 4), it kinda assumes that you already know this. While this might be true, if you are buying the Tabletop RPG of a video game RPG its likely because you are cool with the IP. But if you are picking it up off the shelf, I think that you will clearly get its from a video game and then have to open the wikia to understand what the setting is. I do not know if that will be enough. If you are an experienced GM and know the video games, you can pull it together. However, a newbie for both wanting to play in a post-apocalypse world, I think you might struggle even though they try to give you a good list of locations in the Commonwealth, random vaults, pre-War corps and what their schemes were to act as plot hooks.

It’s a solid looking system, but one that needs you to have played a DM that has played and loved at least to get a sense of what is going on, and to make best sense of the material provided. Like, I know the Brotherhood of steel and you get rules for playing as Brotherhood of Steel PCs, there isn’t really anything there to tell you what being a member of the Brotherhood is. There is no mention of the Enclave, etc. Plus given how much its drawn from Fallout 4, we seem to be missing the whole settlement creation and management part of the game

Therefore, it will be key to see what the next books they produce will be to really flesh out missing bits. At the moment, I would be tending towards just throwing out as many Fallout 4 plot hooks and see what evolves organically as the players live in the community from the starting adventure. This the core rulebook, it provides a good core, but it really needs the fluff and background to be fill out. A short campaign book will be a create start to give me a more solid idea of what a PC does in the setting, rather than just being a love note to the video game.

Overall, I would rate it somewhere between 3-4 stars depending on how well you love the video games.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Fallout: The Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook PDF
by Andrew B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/08/2021 01:57:06

Very mixed feelings about this book. Given securing IP rights to the beloved Fallout background could have given Mordiphius a shot at being the go to post-apocalypse TTRPG it feels like a missed opportunity.

Every part of it is beautifully done: art work (of course its Modiphius); beastiary; character and weapon creation rules in Fallout flavour; detail of the Commonwealth setting. The "read the room" section in How to GM section is the first I´ve ever seen to advise on specific body language tells for if players are not enjoying the darker themes of the game ... masterful.

However given what´s missing these beautiful parts don´t mesh well together. As if the original concept wasn´t defined between an introduction to the Fallout universe for experienced TTRPGers, or an introduction to TTRPGing for existing fans of Fallout.

For the former group there is a good gazeteer of the Commonwealth setting from Fallout 4 and world background (lack of maps is galling, especailly given they are available on company website, but plenty available at online forums as is much else of background detail). But little meat on the bones of rules for anything besides combat and modding weapons for combat. For example even the armour mod "Pocketed" isn´t defined beyond being on the list.

For the latter group there´s a robust straightforward rule system, and the chance to play characters of different origins. But nothing is added to a world they are already intimately familiar with all the secrets of, or much of an idea how to set up characters for weaving their own plausible stories - "a Ghoul, a Super Mutant, a Brotherhood Initiate and a Mister Handy walk into a bar..." Even fleshed out examples of classic NPCs like Preston and Piper are missing.

As it stands this book is best suited to an experienced GM willing to put in the legwork of filling in gaps; ideally with a group of players who don´t know the background world particularly well.

What this game needs to reach its huge potential is support material to plug those gaps. Details of Commonwealth fraction members and their plans beyond re-enacting Fallout 4 game, or different locations/time peroids of Fallout universe. Community building and defence including construction. Trade and travel around the area and beyond it. How to give your own hometown area "the Fallout treatment". New creatures and other challenges. A couple of Vaults not discussed in the video game might be a good place to start...

The ball is in Modiphius´s court whether this game fully exploites its brand recognition to becomes a genre staple or is relegated to a few one shots of blowing up the odd Deathclaw plus a few die-hard homebrew campaigns. Fingers crossed.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Fallout: The Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook PDF
by Jay S. A. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 08/05/2021 22:03:18

Mechanically-dense and full of random tables and a massive equipment list, Fallout is a Rules-Heavy take on the 2d20 system. If the Devil is in the details, then Fallout is firmly in hell, but in a good way. Fans of the videogames will instantly recognize analogues of the mechanics they’ve come to know and love reflected in a way that is playable on the tabletop.

The game oozes the unique Fallout vibe, and is generally complete in terms of everything you’ve seen in the games. My concerns lie with the possibility that it might be slow going given all the rules, but with time and familiarity, I expect things to go faster.

Combat is a common feature, but seeing Scavenging and Survival being given a lot more space in this book is a relief. In a setting like this, stuff (even junk) is valuable, and the game takes pains to make everything you can possibly pick up worth something.

That said it isn’t for everyone. People who are looking for a narrative game will have to give this one a pass, as it falls firmly into simulation. People who enjoy shorter story arcs and hex-crawl-ish exploration will love this game, and I’m eager to see what else Modiphius will release for the game, whether it’s new settings, or a means to explore further.

Art and Layout

As a Modiphius product, I’ve come to expect good art and layout in their books, and Fallout is no exception. Font choices and clean layout are accompanied by gorgeous artwork, with the bestiary being a notable section for featuring the various kinds of disturbing things you’ll see in your wanderings in the Wasteland.


Fallout is big, beautiful and might be a little hefty for those who aren’t used to a lot of mechanics, but everything about this book is a love letter to the videogames. Get it if you’re a fan of the games, or if you’re looking for a darkly humorous take on the apocalypse mixed with 1950’s Atomic Age nostalgia.

It’s a game that lends itself well to both irreverent play, or serious storylines. Like a beaten up Chryslus Highwayman, it might take a bit of elbow grease to learn get going, but once you do, you’ll be exploring the vast expanse of the Wasteland like a pro.

This is the review portion of a full Let's Study series looking at the entire Fallout RPG in detail. You can find those here:

[5 of 5 Stars!]
by NedModPod G. M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/03/2021 10:25:56

If you're looking for a urban fantasy game that's still heavy in horror but still allows for a little power fantasy, Liminal is your game. It's setting and world are great and it's mechanics are easy to understand and get playing with.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20: Seventh-Inning Slaughter!
by Ben S. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/18/2021 08:31:30

I really enjoyed this Achtung! Cthulhu module as one that's refreshingly different. Instead of getting sent off on a serious misson, the players are just out enjoying a baseball game when evil comes to them. There's also the option of playing a baseball player if you're so inclined and it's a great way to either start a campaign or even introduce new players into the game. There's a nice looking handout advertising the baseball game as well. All in all it's a fun well thought out adventure!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20: Seventh-Inning Slaughter!
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Five Parsecs From Home - Solo Adventure Wargaming
by Luiz P. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/06/2021 12:20:39

This is a really good solo wargame.

I've tried Rangers of Shadowdeep (which I like quite a lot), but this one is very enjoyable because of how good it is a creating a story. The many tables, the many rolls you make outside of battle makes stories easy to come up with.

For instance, one of my crew clearly showcased himself as a troublemaker after exploring and causing a rival to show up, and then later getting into a fight. All of this because of character and campaign rolls.

Battle might be a slight contention for some folks because of how deadly everything is. Like straight up deadly, unless your character is wearing some special kind of armor (which after a few rolls in the loot table I realized how hard it is to find), the character can die with a single hit and wounded shot from an enemy. This does helps make the game a constant risk and battles may be one sided in some ways, but you should never kamikaze it, because your crew could straight up die. The AI system also plays quite well, so you are facing very disctinct enemies each time.

Also with the battle event tables, its very unlikely for battles to all be alike.

The game is quite worth its price in my opinion, best 20 bucks I spent this month.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Five Parsecs From Home - Solo Adventure Wargaming
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Five Parsecs From Home - Solo Adventure Wargaming
by Chin K. L. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/03/2021 22:40:27

This edition takes an already good game, and added polish and smoothened the rough edges to make it a GREAT game.

If you have 2nd Edition, this is still a great edition to get as the additions and editing make it a wrothwhile buy. As an indication of how smoothly Modiphius and NWG managed the updating, I was able to transition my on-going 2nd Edition campign into the 3rd Edition without any difficulty.

If solo, RPG-lite sci0fi tabletop wargaming is your thing, you can't go wrong with this!

(Rating would be 4.5 as the game play aids provided are actually not as good as the fan-made ones done for 2nd Ed.)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Five Parsecs From Home - Solo Adventure Wargaming
by Richard P. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/03/2021 11:50:54

I've been playing RPGs and wargames since the mid 80s. This is by far one of the best games I have ever played.

Do yourself a favor and grab this now. You will not be disappointed!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20: Under The Gun
by Ben S. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 06/06/2021 08:28:42

Another short easy to run adventure for the world of Achtung! Cthulhu. The premise gets the characters started right away and the investigation and action are quick paced. The NPCs are clearly described and a page of handouts to print gives the players something tangible to make the session feel even more real. Also included is a printer friendly version of the adventure for those who prefer to run a session with paper instead of computer. All in all, it's a solid addition to the growing list of adventres for this setting.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20: Under The Gun
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Five Parsecs From Home - Solo Adventure Wargaming
by Lee S. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 06/06/2021 00:54:59

I immediately liked the game from what I saw in reviews, but I wanted to wait until I played at least one campaign turn to get a better grip on it.

So far, I'm really liking it.

I'm playing the battles on Tabletop Simulator so I have access to minis and terrain, and playing ther pre-battle and post-battle phases on my desk. I had mostly used TTS to play Castle Ravenloft, so my collected minis didn't quite fit the theme, but I think over time I'll build a better sci-fi collection to pull from. I'm even considering buying custom figures from Hero Forge. Entirely due to this game.

I like that on the first playthrough, I didn't have to read everything. A lot of the stuff only needs to be read if it's pertinent at the time. For example, my crew consists of three humans, a feral (felinoid) a precursor and a robot. So I could skip reading about the other aliens for now.

Combat is real simple to learn, but more thorough than it looks. Finally, a combat system that separates defense from the 'to hit' roll.

Five Parsecs really does have an X-Com or Heroclix feel to it as far as the tactics go. Another game it reminds me of is Avengers Alliance Tactics, a game I loved but flopped because it couldn't find its audience.

Something else Five Parsecs reminds me of is a little-known game that only appeared in a magazine - Star Wars: Corellian Smuggler. It was a solo game that had a Daily Activity chart and random events for traveling, arriving on a planet or just hanging around at the starport. I liked it a lot, but it faded out of view and barely made any impact. Likely due to its limited release.

The reason I bring these up is because I've been house-ruling most of these things from these different games into my rpgs, with varying results. Recently, I got Star Wars: Outer Rim and was working on adapting parts of Corellian Smuggler over to it.

Then I discovered Five Parsecs from Home. The price tag scared me off at first. I rarely buy anything on DTRPG over $10. Unless it's a physical product. But then I saw the in-depth review by TheSoloWargamingShow. Wow. After a day of pondering it, and realizing that I could've bought two $10 games on DTRPG that I'd crack open once then forget about, as opposed to a $20 game that I may really like... I finally dived in.

Five Parsecs is just elegant. It does what it sets out to do. Gameplay is really smooth. Once I finished reading the rules (ending at the weapon list), I was ready to start playing. Everything else I learned as I played the game.

One thing that should probably be mentioned sooner is to keep track of the first non-robot hero that takes out an enemy. For dealing out the XP later. Fortunately, I knew it was one of two heroes and one of them was a robot. So I figured it out after the fact.

I also don't mind that there's really no ship combat in the game. I was always more of a Wing Commander: Privateer player than an X-Wing Starfighter player, so I'll survive. I may house rule the modular combat from Corellian Smuggler over to it later.

Before I started playing, I was a bit disappointed that there wasn't a quickstart available for the game. Especially since it's $20. But once I started playing, I realized that a quickstart would be almost impossible to do without it giving away all the rules. And if you're going to play it, you really want all the charts that are in the book.

I tend to buy PDFs first, then if I really like the game, I'll buy a physical copy. However, with Five Parsecs, it shot itself in the foot by not only being $20 for the PDF, but alao being so much more expensive in print. Ordering from the Modiphius site, the physcal copy is $37. Plus shipping to the US for $32. A total of $69. After I've already spent $20 on the PDF to see if I liked it.

Make no mistake about it: I really, really do like this game. I love it, even. But spending $89 total would be a bit outrageous for me. You're still getting five stars, because it's an amazing system and I see myself playing for many years. I'll also be on the lookout for upcoming products for Five Parsecs, as well as any updated Five X from X games.

Congratulations on a job well done. And finally giving me the framework I needed for my homebrew games.

Detailed gameplay here:

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Five Parsecs From Home - Solo Adventure Wargaming
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Creator Reply:
Thanks for the great review! We actually give the PDF price as a discount on the hard copy if you decide to trade up - just contact We will have local shipping in the US from our webstore from the end of June, though copies won't be shipping there till August - hope that helps!
Dune: Adventures in the Imperium Wormsign Quickstart Guide
by kristine y. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/30/2021 22:30:25

If you like Dune or were on the fence about playing Dune the rpg game, this product will help you decide if you should jump in.
Whats included: several types of premade pcs covering mentats, bene gesserists, ginaz swordmaster, to common types The artwork is similar to the up coming movie. Intro to the game universe the basic rules so you do not need the corebook for this adventure but it can be useful discusses how conflict works and has a conflict chart for easy reference The adventure takes place on Dune before/during the movie and is 5 scenes long. You can play this in one session if you wanted to as a stand alone adventure or as part of a campaign easily. At the end of the adventure are plot hooks for more adventures. I would suggest if you are interested in trying Dune rpg or even the 2d20 system give this adventure a try. Its pretty straight forward in design and does not need a lot of game prep to run. Also if you like to show and tell your players a quick google image search and you can find images to use.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Dune: Adventures in the Imperium Wormsign Quickstart Guide
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Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20: Under The Gun
by kristine y. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/30/2021 22:15:37

This adventure can be played in one session. Easy to use as an intro adventure but it is set in mid 1940 so depending on where your campaign is set you might need to do a little reworking. The adventure layout is similar to the other adventure for this game. The maps are helpful and well done. I like how the npc stat info is layed out and easy to use for a game master. One thing that I like that you do not much is a dedicated handout section is included for a game master to use for player handouts. Another thing I liked was the further adventure/campaign ideas given at the end of the adventure. If you know some british folklore or do a litlte research those ideas can be developed with little effort. The only negative comment I have is that the adventure seemed short compared to the last one. I felt like the adventure needed another part or needed to add more to another part.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20: Under The Gun
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Five Parsecs From Home - Solo Adventure Wargaming
by William E. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/29/2021 04:36:28

Excellent little solo skirmish campaign game. The combat might be simple compared to some crunchier games but that all helps facilitate rapid engagements and pushing your personal campaign forward. The various character creation options, equipment lists, enemy types, and objectives stimulate the imagination and make each turn interesting for the sake of seeing what will happen next. Sometimes some ill-equipped gangers ambush your crew and are wiped out in two turns, other times you're up against trained mercenaries, alien horrors, or overwhelming odds that push you to your limit and make retreat seem like an attractive option - this is truly a game where you'd rather live to fight another day.

The author has already announced continuing support to bring optional crunch in for players hungry for more, but the current difficulty options as well as the dangerous and deadly Red and Black Zone missions are enough to keep anyone going with this book alone for a long time. The built-in "prestige" system and ability to bring in characters from the related Five Parsecs: Bug Hunt game to join your crew feed into the core strength of this game: it wants you to play, play, and play, and you can't help but buy in just to see what will happen next.

This is THE solo sci-fi skirmish game if you want to find that balance between creativity, speed of play, and entertainment value.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Five Parsecs From Home - Solo Adventure Wargaming
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