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The Ronin's Guide to the Sprawl, vol1. Street Cred
by Maximilian [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/19/2024 17:01:10

I truly appreciate David's contribution to the Cyberpunk TTRPG genre. The presented mechanics are not only practical but enhance the session’s flow, unlike those of many other authors, that tend to drastically slow things down. These sheets are a beautiful reminder for players, what character they actually chose to play and how they would act accordingly. I'm delighted to see that this addition does not force the IZ setting onto the GM. While I do enjoy David’s world-building, as a GM, I love having a flexible toolkit to craft my own worlds with my players. IZ and its Add-ons strike a good balance between crunch and usability, with SWADE as a solid core system. I look forward to seeing and purchasing more from Gunmetal Games in the future.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Ronin's Guide to the Sprawl, vol1. Street Cred
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The Blighted Bestiary
by Thomas D. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/15/2023 22:40:59

Love the overall vibe and setting here, and I love the way this bestiary is presented with Ecology, Special Notes, and Adventure Hook sections for each monster.

I just wish it was 5E compatable. Basically just needs CR and HP states. Maybe if I read True20 I can figure it out but it would be nice if this worked standalone with 5E.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
The Blighted Bestiary
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Drip by Bloody Drip
by Gilles D. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/24/2022 05:15:01

This scenario has pros and cons. Far from being perfect, it still has some advantages that are far from negligeable.


  • It is not entirely clear why the characters should accept the mission, you have to work hard to make it sufficiently appealing
  • Once the mission is under way, there are quite a number of occasions where the PCs can just ignore what's going on and focus entirely on what they were here for, now what?...
  • The scenario contains around 10 scenes and is a bit longish and somehow feels repetitive with one hurdle after another without too much of a flavor of one could expect from a Cyberpunk drama.
  • I found its pacing a bit lacking with semi-self repeating inner loops rather than a well organized crescendo
  • Pros:

  • It is a decent scenario and has the advantage to exist for the Cyberpunk World
  • It is rather well explained, with enough details even though it feels a bit forced
  • There are a number of surprises that can/might be exciting
  • In conclusion, not a masterpiece and it will require adjustment to make it work. Even though there are key elements that can be interesting, I am not entirely sure it's fully exciting.

Conclusion: A functional scenario, neither bad neither good. Think of a low budget Chuck Norris movie held together by decent action but not terribly unforgetable. I ran better stuff. It should take between 8 to 10 hours.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Drip by Bloody Drip
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A Facsimile of Death
by Alexandre D. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/06/2022 11:08:48

The story has some fundamental flaws. Cant really comment without spoiling the adventure but the story didnt make much sense and a couple questions seemed to destroy the plot choices. Unfortunate, I commend the author for trying to make a flexible ending for ultimately the plot was flawed.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
A Facsimile of Death
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Interface Zero 3.0 Players Guide to 2095
by Franck F. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/03/2022 06:44:12

Interface Zero 3.0 is a work of love, for the Cyberpunk genre, for the SWADE game system and for RPGs in general. The author has put a lot of thought and work on designing the game. I especially like that a lot of the crunchiness is optional for several parts of the Cyberpunk-themed rules that are often problematic with RPGs: hacking and cybernetics can really bog down a game. With IZ, GMs can choose either FFF rules or to go more into details if that's what their group likes.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Interface Zero 3.0 Players Guide to 2095
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Interface Zero 3.0 Players Guide to 2095
by Andreas S. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/20/2021 07:05:52

Great content inside, but it's kinda unclear sometimes and hard on the eyes to read.

Hard on the eyes: The font choice makes my eyes hurt. It's also so.. cramped. Feels like as much text as possible has been crammed into each page to save printing money or something.

Unclear stuff: I think it assumes you have played IZ before, because they talk about stuff without really explaining it first. I had to google what the hell TAP is. Maybe it's in there somewhere in the PDF, but I could not find it in the walls of text. I would also like a clearer explanation of Strain. It kinda just says it's a "unagumented vigor die". Not sure what that means.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Interface Zero 3.0 Players Guide to 2095
by Daniel C. d. S. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/29/2021 10:06:35

IZ 3.0 is a wonderfull setting book if you love any genre of near-future Sci-Fi. The book is long and has details on Hacking, cybernetics (also genetic enhancements and chemical drugs that enhance the user), new edges, an awesome list of origins for the players, and more. I am not overstating it that here there all ALL THE THINGS you would ever need to run a near-future Sci-Fi adventure.

Many people say that Interface Zero is too complex and has too many new rules. I partially agree with that. It is very important to note that the authors provide options to select how much complexity you want to add into your game. You can read the rules and pick and choose which ones you want to incorporate and highlight in your game. Nothing breaks if you don't add all the rules! As an example, in my current game I am using intermediate Hacking rules and only cybernetics enhancements. DONE. These two sets of setting rules provide me with everything I need for my game. If later I want to run another adventure focused on tense hacking scenes, I can simply add all the detailed hacking rules. If I want to make a scenario where genetics has developed to an extreme creating incredible enhancements and horrifying monsters, all rules for that are here too. Including trappings for enhancements and Bio-Horror NPCs.

This book is a true guide to 2095. It will give so many ideas for campaings and so many options. It is TOTALLY worth your money and support. I am honestly impressed and excited about Interface Zero 3.0

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Interface Zero 2.0: Fate Edition
by Saif A. E. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/20/2021 05:41:15

This is the crunchiest FATE can get! If you are looking for a FATE Cyberpunk game that makes use of most of the System Toolkit rules, this one is a gem.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Interface Zero 2.0: Fate Edition
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Reign of Discordia (Traveller Edition)
by Jeffrey Z. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/10/2021 22:44:46

This article originally appeared in the September 2010 issue of Freelance Traveller.

Reign of Discordia, the Traveller Edition is a conversion of the Gun Metal Games True20 setting of the same name. This edition is released under Mongoose’s Flaming Cobra imprint, as an alternate setting for the Mongoose Traveller ruleset.

On the Shelf

A maroon cover is graced with a large picture whose style is not atypical of “pulp” SF. The product title is at the top in a white, square/blocky but readable font, and the Traveller name-and-arrow logo is below the picture.

Initial Impressions

Reign of Discordia is inarguably a setting book; this core volume is quite definitely rules-light. There is one-half of one column on one page that describes what the referee and players need to be aware of when using other Traveller material, and more isn’t needed. The rest of the book is chock full of source material, covering well what any referee will want to know about a setting, with very little wasted verbiage.

On Closer Inspection

While the hardest of hard-core gearheads might find this volume lacking in crunchy goodness, just about anyone else will find the depth and breadth of the material here more than adequate. An introduction by the author outlines what his goals were in the creation of Reign of Discordia and its translation to Traveller.

Setting-historical background, including discussion of key technologies, follows, providing a good overview of the setting.

This is followed by twenty-nine pages of world descriptions, averaging two worlds per page, grouped by ownership. Few of the worlds profiled are complete nonentities, and none of them are merely generated UWPs to fill in blank spaces on a map—if nothing else, the available information serves to underline a setting enigma.

Eight pages of racial descriptions, each at about the level of an early JTAS “Contact!” article, give the reader an overview of the various major races of the setting (and “major” here refers to raw political hegemonic power, rather than some arbitrary theoretical technological criterion, as in the OTU setting).

Nine pages of equipment follow, some of which may have “standard Traveller” equivalents, some not. There is a paragraph or two on a minor modification of the rules; plasma weapons in Reign of Discordia do have non-negligible recoil.

Fifteen pages of organizational profiles covers organizations of all of the major races, and the background (religious, commercial, political, criminal, etc.) of each. Two pages of “one-line” NPCs are included at the end of this section.

The next fifty-three pages are starships, in the form that we’ve come to know from other Mongoose Traveller items—a stat block and brief description, followed by deck plans—and, as usual, the plans are not in a miniatures-useful scale (and on the larger ships, it’s virtually impossible to discern the deck plan 1.5m squares). These ships represent both current construction and remnant Empire construction.

Six pages (including the aforementioned one-half of one column on using other Traveller products) give some useful information and ideas for running campaigns in Reign of Discordia.

Nine pages outline Rover’s Beacon, a spaceport suitable for use as an adventure setting, rather than just a place to bring a starship to for fuel. These are immediately followed by fifteen pages of an adventure which begins and ends there. Finally, a page of one-line NPCs for the adventure, and a one-page index round out the volume.

Artwork is neither simple drawings nor fully photorealistic, though there is a strong sense of three-dimensionality to it.

The choice of body font could have been better; Rockwell, being both slab-serif and monoline (all strokes the same thickness) appears quite heavy, even in the unbolded form, and is more difficult to read in large blocks than would be a more common text font such as Times or Bookman.


Reign of Discordia is quite definitely an interesting alternative to the standard Third Imperium setting. Adventures for all tastes, from military to mercantile to political, are accommodated by the setting, in such a way as to allow the PCs to Make a Difference. Although common space opera tropes can be found throughout the setting, Mr Drader has managed to avoid leaving the reader with a "ho-hum, it's been done before, just a new coat of paint over the same old same old" feeling.

If you are looking for a post-imperial space opera setting, you could do far worse than purchasing this book; money spent on this is most definitely not wasted.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Reign of Discordia (Traveller Edition)
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Interface Zero 2.0: Fate Edition
by Joshua W. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/30/2021 17:11:16

Angel's Citadel did a review of Interface Zero 2.0: Fate Edition. You can check it out here:

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Interface Zero 2.0: Fate Edition
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Interface Zero 3.0 Players Guide to 2095
by Henry F. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/09/2021 12:01:39

I'm a backer of the Kickstarter, which at this time is nearly 2 years late with the physical book delivery (among other stretch goals). The author of this product has been extremely divisive in his soapbox statements during the Kickstarter run, at one point removing the Cop Campaign from the game because of his own (newly found) political views. Despite being extremely late on the delivery, the author has started denying refunds because so many people wanted to back out after he started rewriting the game to inject his real-life politics.

Presentation wise - Interface Zero 3.0 is a ghost of Interface Zero 2.0 in every way. The previous edition had superior art direction, format, layout and rules. IFZ3's art is mostly recycled from IFZ2, but looks extremely out of place with the solid white page backgrounds. IFZ3's layout is amateur at best. In my opinion, IFZ3 doesn't improve on IFZ2's rules in any way; if anything, IFZ3 simply removes IFZ2 rules and doesn't fill in the empty gap (the Shadowrun 6e approach).

As a previous reviewer mentioned, IFZ3 doesn't add anything new and there's nothing here you couldn't achieve on your own with the core SW Adventure Edition and an imagination. I advise you pick up Interface Zero 2.0 instead. At the time of this review, IFZ2 is available for free (pay what you want) here on DTRPG.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Interface Zero 3.0 Players Guide to 2095
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Interface Zero 3.0 Players Guide to 2095
by Pietro d. M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/08/2020 02:20:53

I love this new edition of Interface Zero. All the book is meat to fuel "modern" Cyberpunk games. Has been done in the spirtit of SWADE (FFF) but also offers the opportunity and the tools to go deeper on some aspects of the rules, if playesc & GM whant to do so. Well done! A good refresh of the already very good previous IF editions, not only for updates to SWADE, but for the whole setting and cyberpunk genre in general.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Interface Zero 3.0 Players Guide to 2095
by Felix H. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/03/2020 05:53:06

This is a great setting book for Savage World's Adventure Edition! I really can't wait to test it at the table. Lot's of additional work went into the hacking rules. The latest version offers now a huge flexibility from "One Roll to Rule Them All" to a more crunchy system based on Arcane Backgrounds. So, by offering several modules, everyone can adjust the crunchiness of the hacking to the desired level. Many thanks for this!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Interface Zero 3.0 Players Guide to 2095
by seph d. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/09/2020 16:19:36

The game is, well fine, but nothing you can't assembly with a couple of SWADE community content. The author is stuck somewhere in his own little world thinking about applying current politics to the game and not really working at the game itself. At least that how it seems from my point of view as a Kickstarter backer. I hope not many people will support a game made with such potboiler.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
RDP: Blood Throne: The Survivor's Guide to the Age of Blood
by Gary P. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/08/2020 22:19:23

I actually worked on this book thought it had a lot of promise. I think though the product suffered from a discombobulated unified vision. Lots of peices of it were really good, I just think it lacked something to unify it into a cohesive whole. I still think it is a good product though, and if you are i8nterested in some dark horror post-apocalyptic gaming, then The Survivor's Guide to the Age of Blood is a good addition.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
RDP: Blood Throne: The Survivor's Guide to the Age of Blood
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