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ZWEIHANDER RPG: Revised Core Rulebook
by Sebastián G. M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/14/2019 08:43:26

The more comprehensive and streamlined dark fantasy game I've ever read. It has all the virtues of old school d100 but with a modern perspective that lacks the excesive book-keeping and system flaws in other dark fantasy rulesets. My absolute favorite TTRPG right now. Quality and quantity for this price is top notch.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
ZWEIHANDER RPG: Revised Core Rulebook
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ZWEIHANDER RPG: Revised Core Rulebook
by Brett J. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/29/2019 21:58:34

The first e-book for a game that I enjoy! I have rapidly become a big fan of this game and the system. Give the ebook a tey then buy the hard copy for the sheer joy it induces!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
ZWEIHANDER RPG: Revised Core Rulebook
by Jorge J. V. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/29/2019 14:38:41

So, some people are giving poor reviews because the book is not misogynistyc or transphobic as they would have liked, or because this game is not a different game. Damn!

I give 5 stars because the system is excellent, the writing is for the most part great (there's some ambiguity, but nothing a good call from the referee can't solve), the artwork is perfect, the layout is almost perfect, the options are great, the rules are easy (there are many rules and it's hard to learn everything, but it's easy to make a ruling when in doubt).

If there is one thing I really miss, is a character creation example. It took me long to make one (because the character sheet is huge and I made it while I was reading the book for the first time; that's how I learn, theory and practice at the same time). Still, it's not real a flaw.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
ZWEIHANDER RPG: Revised Core Rulebook
by Brendan G. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/20/2019 11:35:03

This works on a d100 system and it has a dark and gritty atmosphere - there was a lot of roleplaying flavour in character creation too. The class system was really interesting and reminded me of sword of mana for gba.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
ZWEIHANDER RPG: Revised Core Rulebook
by Marc F. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/16/2019 15:31:17

It's great that there's some competition to the other big d100 grim rpg, but this one is written by people who don't understand good RPG rules. If you want fluff and loose system, it's OK. If you want a good ruleset that stands up to any kind of scrutiny, move along.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
MAIN GAUCHE: Supplement for Zweihander RPG
by Joseph C. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/27/2019 20:02:52

Zwiehander is AWESOME. Main Gauche is NOT. The biggest weaknesses of the core rules are:

  1. The Fluff that separates over-lapping classes.
  2. Weapons (seriously weird selection) Main Gauche doubles down on these weaknesses, HARD. Many of the professions are way out of step with the tone of the setting, many other professions present ludicrously racially specific fluff which again, just doesn't fit with the tone at all. The expanded weapon selections are just weird and off-putting. Please explain to me how exactly Claymores and Great-Swords don't qualify as Zweihanders from the core book? Or how about the plethora of pole-arms that are introduced to a core system which extensively mocked AD&D's obsession with different types of polearms, to the point of stating that "people engage in Gygaxian musings" about different sorts of pike? On top of this, Main Gauche goes way out of it's way to include a bunch of special "not-magic abilities" and "not-magic materials" to a low-fantasy setting which just come across as irritating.

This isn't the worst possible add-on to the system but everything it accomplishes could be better handled with house rules that don't make it impossible to avoid the fact that Zwiehander as a whole is a direct rip-off of Warhammer Fantasy (seriously, Blitzballers? WTF, does GPG want to get sued by GDubs?)

[3 of 5 Stars!]
MAIN GAUCHE: Supplement for Zweihander RPG
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ZWEIHANDER RPG: Revised Core Rulebook
by Ricardo M. A. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/20/2019 12:24:33

I've liked the book very much. The love and care of the Authors is overflowing, the descriptions are witty and the illustrations are awesome.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
ZWEIHANDER RPG: Revised Core Rulebook
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Creator Reply:
Sorry to hear you had that experience, Ricardo. As a rule, our company doesn't log in on the weekends to respond to customers requests. That being said, I believe we now have you taken care of. If you feel there is something else we could do, please email me direct:
MAIN GAUCHE: Supplement for Zweihander RPG
by Eric R. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/07/2019 04:24:41

This book adds a ton of options and provides useful tools. I recommend it!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
MAIN GAUCHE: Supplement for Zweihander RPG
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ZWEIHANDER RPG: Revised Core Rulebook
by Douglas G P. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 04/10/2019 15:44:12

This is abviously a labour of love, and it shows. the detail is incredible and the art direction is fun and evokative; it is very reminicent of 80's rpgs. The system though is robust yet easily accessible upon first reading. It may look daunting but it is not. There are so many nods to rpgs and gaming from the past and present that it keeps us looking for easter eggs. I am extreemly happy with my purchase. As an aside, the book sets out to be inclusive, intentionally using "they/them" for he/her, I believe that this is an amazing editorial decision and one we, as a community, should applaud, for we should be looking to grow the community of RPGers and not alienate.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
ZWEIHANDER RPG: Revised Core Rulebook
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ZWEIHANDER RPG: Revised Core Rulebook
by Mark M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 04/10/2019 10:27:27

Im sure this is a good game, Im sure its written decently.

I liked the stories at the beginning.

But then I got to this :

GENDER NEUTRALITY Throughout this book, you’ll note that we use the singular ‘they’ (along with its inflected forms like them or their) for indeterminate gender. However, our play examples will typically reference the gendered pronoun appropriate to the gender of the player or their Character.

Why does this have to be in the book? Why does this diversity BS have to find its way into RPGS?

This is a fantasy world. I dont want real life, or SJW BS in my games. Come to my table, have fun, leave the real world out of it.

So I give it 3 stars, and probably will never play it.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
MAIN GAUCHE: Supplement for Zweihander RPG
by Mateusz C. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/23/2019 19:08:01

So far I only skimmed, it but from the look of it: new profession, news skills, new spells and new rules. So far so good, nothing new... wait, this all stuff is crazy. I never knew I needed zeppelins and steampunk motorcycles in my dark fantasy gaming, but I did.

This supplement has well thought out stuff that's not obvious to have, and this is it's best selling point - this stuff is fresh

[5 of 5 Stars!]
MAIN GAUCHE: Supplement for Zweihander RPG
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MAIN GAUCHE: Supplement for Zweihander RPG
by kourrie r. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/21/2019 10:53:42

An awesome expansion on an already awesome game. Massive character classes/weapons/vehicles additions. I would say the most interesting is how "Daemon's" can be accepted as your god of choice, and gain powers in return by doing their bidding. "You want to RP a chaotic and evil villain? that's fine, we'll throw in some incentives as well!". Also the community for G&P are very helpful for any questions that may arise at any point.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
ZWEIHANDER RPG: Revised Core Rulebook
by kourrie r. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/21/2019 10:38:06

A friend had GM'ed a sesh with G&P: Zwei, and fell in love instantly with how it plays. There is a massive system for character class customization, and then more with expansions. Battles are also very high tension and entertaining as well, with bleeding and injurys being a very real threat, but not just physical, but also mental threats as well. I would also say that G&P:Zwei is very flexible for GM's and players. I highly suggest G&P:Zwei to anyone who is a fan of pen & paper RPGS, and that if someone needs help with G&P:Zwei, the community is very helpful.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
ZWEIHANDER RPG: Revised Core Rulebook
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by JD S. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/22/2018 12:03:14

War Hammer FRG with a twist and a d100 system. Solid work.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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ZWEIHANDER RPG: Revised Core Rulebook
by Anthony D. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/09/2018 09:16:33

You can find my full review on Sticky Bunton by following this link.

But for TL;DR:

If you are a fan of Warhammer or related Grimdark adventures, then you absolutely cannot go wrong with this game. It's one part OSR, one part 21st Century update to a classic genre, and overall an excellent addition to a gamer's collection.

The game is a bit daunting for new or unprepared GMs, though, and as an OSR retroclone, it possesses a number of the problems of that era of gaming.

Overall, it's a good game with solid support, new products to expand on it, and really scratches that itch for a good grimdark game. Pick it up if you're a fan, dedicated to the genre, or a GM that loves the resources this provides, but sidestep it if you aren't a fan of grimdark or rules-heavy games.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
ZWEIHANDER RPG: Revised Core Rulebook
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