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ZWEIHANDER RPG: Player's Handbook
by Nikki Y. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 04/29/2021 06:04:02

Beautiful game, and very diverse! Absoutely loved playing it for the first time, and the people who run the Twitter/Twitch are also gems! The character creation is simple and once you build one, easy to grasp!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
ZWEIHANDER RPG: Player's Handbook
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ZWEIHANDER RPG: Revised Core Rulebook
by Dawid J. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/19/2020 13:47:57

ZWEIHANDER is an amazing RPG system which is a spiritual successor of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd edition (WFRP 2). If you liked WFRP 2e, and found 3e or 4e not as satisfying - then this system is the one to go with.

As an additional bonus, this RPG engine is independent from any setting/universe, so you could just as easily fit it into any world you wish - whether Warhammer, Witcher, or even your own!

The overall feel is gritty in a satisfying, fantasy-realistic way and characters do not feel like boring superheroes - instead they're actual people who can find themselves in danger by regular guards, soldiers or bandits. ZWEIHANDER is not all about combat (which it does in a fantastic way), but also about meaningful choices, as well as intrigue paired with creative use of character skills.

You can easily make this into a really fun RPG sandbox if you wish. You can also drive excellent stories and create in any setting you wish. A clear recommendation from me.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
ZWEIHANDER RPG: Revised Core Rulebook
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FLAMES OF FREEDOM Grim & Perilous RPG: Quickstart – Powered by Zweihander RPG
by Charlie S. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/06/2020 08:59:02

I love this, if this is truly indicitive of the finished product then (as a backer) this is money well spent! I majored in military history in college and have followed the Colonial Gothic RPG since 2E, and from all I've seen there and here, I truly can't say enough good things about this!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
FLAMES OF FREEDOM Grim & Perilous RPG: Quickstart – Powered by Zweihander RPG
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FLAMES OF FREEDOM Grim & Perilous RPG: Quickstart – Powered by Zweihander RPG
by Joe C. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/03/2020 18:47:34

What a shame had alot of high hopes unfortunately by the preaching Seriously this is up there on the games not to get list. Needed a sick bag after reading this heap of rubbish. If I was a backer. I would want my cash back. Its the gaming equivalent of damp squibs and wet blankets. Please do. yourselves a favour just ignore it.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
FLAMES OF FREEDOM Grim & Perilous RPG: Quickstart – Powered by Zweihander RPG
by John D. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/20/2020 23:33:02

This RPG combines two under represented gems - a non D&D low fantasy game and the founding of the United States.

This game is not a historical simulation, which is fine because that is not the goal. The goal is to have fun playing an RPG with your friends. Historical simulations tend to make bad RPGs unless you're the kind of player who enjoys PC death during character creation as Susan lives to the ripe old age of "Died in Childbirth", or James who died of the pox at age 2.

The system is the Zweihander base system (which is the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Game with the serial numbers filed off). It doesn't have any fantasy races, but the game system tries to make up for that by encouraging differing viewpoints - so your fantasy colonial period winds up looking a lot more like the modern US, ethnically speaking.

As this is a Quickstart set, it has a sample adventure, with sample characters and the basic rules. Given that the product is free, I'd consider this a good addition to any gamer's library. It makes for a good single adventure to either to demo to your group or at a convention (when those start back up).

[5 of 5 Stars!]
FLAMES OF FREEDOM Grim & Perilous RPG: Quickstart – Powered by Zweihander RPG
by Edward M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/19/2020 15:06:04

This is a game about folklore, magic, and superstition with Colonial America as the setting. We can safely assume this was never intended to be considered an accurate historical portrayal.

On the reframing of American history. America is still a country of insurrection. I may also believe that America is racist, built on oppression, the genocide of indigenous peoples, and chock full of class/gender warfare.

However, in "a game" America can be just about anything. It can be as "politically correct" as it wants to.

Just like in the movies (National Treasure, Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, etc.) and other games (Deadlands, etc.) creative liberties are/were taken. I am in agreement if "a game" writer(s) and/or a gaming group choose not to curate a part of history. They just request for it to be labeled or identified as Flames of Freedom, the writers demand that it adhere to what they endorse for the game. That to me seems fair.

I do agree with the choices they have made and look forward to playing the full game when it come out.

Pros: Colonial Gothic, Pregens are interesting thematically and diverse, Grim & Perilous mechanics: AP simplicity and variety of results add a tactical element to combat, Zweihander compatible (Injury Cards, etc.), Coin mechanic, Alternate History (Supernatural America)

Cons: Game will be subjected to historical analysis and shenanigans. Sensitive material for some players.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
FLAMES OF FREEDOM Grim & Perilous RPG: Quickstart – Powered by Zweihander RPG
by WILLIAM A. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/19/2020 10:28:59

History is always a fluid. Also this is a game with magic, so I am fully supportive of the decisions they made regarding the liberties taken with this era. In the end what matters is can you get a group to the table and is the game good. So far Flames of Freedom does that. I look forward to seeing the final product.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
FLAMES OF FREEDOM Grim & Perilous RPG: Quickstart – Powered by Zweihander RPG
by Kerry P. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/19/2020 04:02:46

Politically correct gone mad. This document knows how to segment people and alienate others.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
FLAMES OF FREEDOM Grim & Perilous RPG: Quickstart – Powered by Zweihander RPG
by joseph a. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/10/2020 23:58:03

i really wanted to like this quickstart. it looks like an awful lot of effort went in to this, and the setting is wonderful. But whenever i read something close to the statement on page 5 Use and Abuse of History, i have to just hang my head. Any author of an RPG game has no right to tell people what style of gameplay they can choose. This is a horror game for God's sake, there just might be some uncomfortable elements that touch on bigotry, religous persecution, or sexism.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
FLAMES OF FREEDOM Grim & Perilous RPG: Quickstart – Powered by Zweihander RPG
by Abraham F. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/10/2020 15:32:03

What I have read looks interesting and I am looking forward to the final product when it is released next year.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
FLAMES OF FREEDOM Grim & Perilous RPG: Quickstart – Powered by Zweihander RPG
by William F. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/09/2020 23:14:33

I am pretty excited about the release of this RPG set in the time of the American Revolution. The Flames of Freedom provides a means of mixing weird fiction/gothic horror within an American historic era. Sometimes a game can be a "hook" that opens doors or sparks interests in the real history that isn't always as "simple" and black and white as folks would like it to be. The system allows the HISTORIAN (GM) to play something that is so fictional a setting that the players just enjoy the game. OR, there are opportunities to weave a the historical with the gothic horror aspect of this game. A good 'Historian' can find those odd events that allow for players to explore Boston, Philadelphia, or visit Johnson Hall or Alexandria. Maybe a visit to Halifax or find clues in Fraunces Tavern?

RPGs encourage cooperative problem solving and a good HISTORIAN can also bring social, economic, and cultural issues into the game setting that can spark interest and discussion. A scenario could be the rescue of a Hessian spy or the efforts of the Wyoming Valley Loyalists to save their homes from being taken by Patriots.

The quick-start scenario allows both the Historian and the players to jump into a game and explore how Zweihander RPG works. Very excited to see the final release and very happy to be a Kickstarter supporter.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
FLAMES OF FREEDOM Grim & Perilous RPG: Quickstart – Powered by Zweihander RPG
by A customer [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/09/2020 12:38:00

I've been looking forward to this for months since I first started hearing hints of it being in developement. I am not disappointed. As a fan of both alternate history and horror, the time and setting are ripe for a multitude of tales that can be told from multiple perspectives.

I am also extremely pleased to see safety tools and guidance on how to respectfully play and bring in PoC and Indigenous races written by individuals that are respected memebers of the PoC and Indigenous communities, included in both the Preamble and the Quickstart. The choice of Pregens offer a good variety of characters with a module that provides a solid introduction to Zweihander as a system and Flames of Freedom as a setting.

Over all I'm extremely pleased and have backed the kickstarter based on what the excellent quality of the Quickstart.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
FLAMES OF FREEDOM Grim & Perilous RPG: Quickstart – Powered by Zweihander RPG
by Irene B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/09/2020 10:30:13

This game was fantastic! If you're a fan of the Zweihander RPG, which this game is powered by, you will find many familiar aspects of it in this game. Some of them have been streamlined -- for example "Words as Weapons" combines both Litany of Hatred and Inspiring Words into a single action, and gives an additional benefit (the Hastened condition I believe it is). I particularly enjoy the diversity of the pregenerated characters, and loved playing Red Bonny in particular. The adventure, "Sin Eater" that comes with it is also incredibly engaging, though I definitely think that a Content Warning should be added to it, because there is some triggering content in it. Over all, I enjoyed the experience and cannot wait for the full game.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thank you for the review! We will add the CW into the Quickstart in our next update to the PDF.
FLAMES OF FREEDOM Grim & Perilous RPG: Quickstart – Powered by Zweihander RPG
by JD S. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/06/2020 19:58:37

This product is awful. It is portrayed as a horror setting set in Revolutionary America, but the authors apparently did no research on the subject. It is set in 1776, billed as ‘the eve of the Revolution’, whereas the war had actually started the year before (which is why the coat of arms of the US Army, the direct descendant of the Continental Army, displays ‘1775’).

It refers to the British Army as ‘loyalist Red-coats’. During the Revolution, a Loyalist was the term applied to colonists who sided with the Empire, whether they fought in the local units raised by the British or were simply sympathizers. While some British infantry in the Revolutionary war wore red coats, many did not, and a quarter of the force was not even British, but Hessian auxiliaries who wore their national uniform (not red).

The general ignorance continues throughout the material. The 1770s are a fascinating period as the Native American tribes, the British, the French, and the rebel colonists all swirled in a political maelstrom of ancient feuds and current realpolitik. Military aid, bribery, political leverage, spying, and subterfuge swirled madly as the various factions in the war courted allies, called upon old friends, and tried to influence third parties. The political ramifications surrounding the involvement of the Native Americans could fill out a campaign without much difficulty, with PCs playing agents of any faction, or none (being merely profit-based opportunists, of which there were historically aplenty).

But the book ignores all that; in fact, the authors urgently advise their players to ignore tribal differences (beyond ‘respecting’ the cultures involved) and ignore the settler/native issues that made up at least half of the Revolution.

Slavery is an issue which the authors firmly state is taboo; players may not touch upon the subject. This despite the fact that the British created an entire regiment of former slaves, granting freedom in return for service (which they honored, even evacuating the regiment and its families to Canada when the war ended); likewise, the rebels encouraged slaves to aid their cause (but did not honor their promises), thus ignoring an wealth of period role-play opportunities. The topic of indentured servitude, another major issue of the time and another source of role-play opportunity, is utterly ignored. Or unknown to the authors.

By the time the background material is laid out, the alleged ‘grim and perilous’ setting bears no resemblance to the period, the conflict, or the society; it is also not very grim, or all that perilous. Basically it becomes a very weak Call of Cthulhu scenario played out in a current-day re-enactment park such as Williamsburg, where period dress is worn but otherwise it is simply 2020.

The only horror this game will inspire will be for those participants who have any sort of grasp of history. While there are not many games set in this period, there are still better alternatives to this product.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
ZWEIHANDER RPG: Revised Core Rulebook
by Érico C. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/19/2020 13:28:41

If you like a robust game with interesting mechanics in a dog eat dog world, this one was made for you!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
ZWEIHANDER RPG: Revised Core Rulebook
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