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The Blessed and the Blasphemous
by Harald [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/29/2024 00:31:08

The is a great campaign book, lovingly researched and presented with great car ...and heavy bias. Sons of the Singularity are strongly anti-cplonial, and pro "people of colour" as a contrast to "white": If that meets ypur political estimeat, you will love their settings: I have read the Sasson files and this one. They do mention (once) that both sides of the conflict between the Magreb ethnicities and the colonial powers were fighting without care for human rights and dignity; but the remaining (several dozen) comments concentrate solely on the -very real and historically proven beyond doubt- atrocities of the Spanish and the French colonial forces. The German crimes of war -in this campaign- are present in the refugees, one mayor supporter of the party and the CoC shared idea of the "Ahnenerbe". Many groups in the campaign feel realistic and historically correct, among them the great support character, Ms. Benatar, Esq. The German "Ahnenerbe" is historical nonsense, but well fitting into a pulp horror scenario. Only the French Foreiign Legionaire is ...lacking. Good idea, nice scenes (some of them) but utterly unconvincing. You can do better then a 2ns lieutenant if you want to build an archenemy in the F Foreign Legion. The land is described lovingly and in good detail, the pictures are great and if nothing else one should buy this book as source material in my opinion. Like the Sasson Files: their rendition of Shanghai is GREAT as source material. The campaign itself is not done. They have great ideas and some gaping holes that a playthrough should have closed -the boss fight at the ned of the first scenario- and not one but two invincible enemies: that endboss and a fire djinn that the party meets long before they can do ANYthing against it. I do not use invincible enemies in pulp games. Hard, yes; invincible: hard No. There a hokes in the plot -that one can fill with the great material- and even one of the seven flowcharts lacks three of eight (?) steps. Nothing really bad, mind: this is great material, a nice plot idea and some great antagonists. What they need to do is edit this material . As material, this is five out of five stars: six out of five if you like their political bias (eveyone has a bias, mind: they are open about theirs). The campaign has great potential that is not realised yet. Therefore I strongley recommend this for people looking for material, sources and ideas. I do not recommend it for GMs that wnat to use the book as it is. Since people WILL comment about bias: in my opinion all people are equal and can be equally good or bad. Ethnicity is no moral indicator. "People of Colour" or neither better nor worse than "whtes". They have darker skin. That is all, and it means nothing.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
The Blessed and the Blasphemous
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The Sassoon Files
by Harald [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/24/2024 23:17:20

Well written, informative and good to read, I can wholeheartedly recommend this. I like the setting and the Sasson Files open a playing field that could have gone in vastly different directions, back then... The campaign is tun, too.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Sassoon Files
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Between the Devil & the Deep
by A customer [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/09/2022 05:41:34

This is a really outstanding contribution to the growing area of GUMSHOE based rulesets. I went all in and got the full colour hard copy. You should too. Its a beautiful looking book but the contents and interesting ways the authors work with the genre with new touches and intertwine the various aspects with the Gumshoe rules is gold. GUMSHOE is a pleasure to play and run because it so simple and complementary to narrative play.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Between the Devil & the Deep
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Between the Devil & the Deep
by Gary F. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 06/17/2022 14:10:51

This thing is amazing. Like Swords of the Serpentine it really shows the amazing things you can do within the design constraints of Gumshoe. Projects are worth the price of admission.

This thing should come witha full length campaign though. It has adventures but I'd like something longer like Eternal Lies.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
SHAMUS: A Deep Gumshoe Hack
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/10/2020 16:01:24

This 25 page generic game system can easily be used for any type of RPG. As an example, it shows how a pirate game would work. I would describe this system as bare-bones and the author does describe it as not updated. It includes a stat block for a P.C. and one NPC. There are rules for spells, but no spells are listed. The system is based on using a six-sided die. There is a link for Gumshoe SRD which is helpful. What follows is the adventure I used with Shamus. I soloed it with a solo system I have been testing out. I used four goblin characters: a rogue, a cleric, a fighter, and an alchemist. The adventure started with the rogue “acquiring” a magical candy. He gave it to the cleric with the sweet tooth who was now able to see invisible things (a thief). The group followed the thief to the expensive candy store. They decided to come back at night to “investigate”. As soon as they broke in, the witch (who lives upstairs) was alerted and she turned the goblins into frogs. They managed to escape and seek help with a goblin sorcerer. On the second night they tried to break in through a second floor window. They were turned into pigs. They managed to seek help from the sorcerer again. On the third night, they tried to find a secret way in through the sewers. Instead, they found three aggressive thieves down there. They won the battle but the rogue P.C. was damaged. Since this was their third attempt, they gave up. This was way too much trouble. They never got to the basement of the candy store . . .Give this interesing RPG a try!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
SHAMUS: A Deep Gumshoe Hack
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The Sassoon Files: Brother of Jesus
by Aarón D. C. S. M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/04/2020 08:57:07

POD copy is great, crisp text and very good quality color! Definitely a very good deal and a must-buy if you liked Sassoon Files!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Sassoon Files: Brother of Jesus
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Rational Magic Campaign
by Derek M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/13/2020 15:37:13

I love this product many great ideals that fits well into a magical renaissance like setting. The political intrigue can be added to any city setting and any setting that stress geopolitcal and philosophical tensions. The magic tech builds off and expends on the magic tech in the normal d&d settings. Would love more of this kind of setting in the future.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Rational Magic Campaign
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Creator Reply:
Thank you for the kind review Derek. We are (as of 3/10) running a KS for an Arthurian campaign. Then we are going to go back to Asian Horror w/ Cthulhu for a product to be released in July. Then I will work on RM2
The Sassoon Files
by MYLES O. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/11/2019 15:50:17

Just got through running the first scenario and my players loved it. This book has some great content and history of 1920's Shanghai. We played using CoC 7th ed (included in the book) and it worked great. Definatly worth it!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Sassoon Files
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The Sassoon Files
by Roger H. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/29/2019 17:00:20

The material covered in this book is simply amazing. Very high value indeed, which reflects that a considerable amount of research was done to put this book together. Every Keeper should have this book in his or her collection. A must buy !

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Sassoon Files (Kickstarter Bundle)
by Rick G. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/05/2019 13:28:45

My name is in it, and thats a good start, i look forward to running a sesion or 2 of this

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Sassoon Files (Kickstarter Bundle)
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The Sassoon Files (Kickstarter Bundle)
by Phil O. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/04/2019 04:33:26

A beautiful book full of rich content, interesting characters and plentiful hooks to sustain a campaign. Well done to all involved!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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