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Cyberpunk RED Data Pack
by James T. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/20/2022 12:09:22

Even though I love R Talsorian, the writing in this is so bad. Half of it sounds like it ws written by an edgy intern with a gender studies degree. Plus the vulgarity was so over the top. I know cyberpunk isn't sunshine and rainbows, but when "fuck" is thrown around every other bloody word like a hackysack it just comes off as immature. The base game is amazing though. Buy that instead. Hopefully Black Chrome is better than this.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Cyberpunk RED Data Pack
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The Witcher Pen & Paper RPG
by Radovan M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/11/2022 03:20:32

Just one word. Unbalanced. Horribly unbalanced. Combat is a joke. Stamina is a bad joke. It is such a plentiful resource, that you can spend it over and over with no consequences. This was never ever properly tested. Only answer you will ever need in this game is the dodge. Spell? The answer is dodge. Blow? dodge. Fangs? Dodge! Dodge! Dodge! dodge and endless dodge. How many dodges do you have? More than you need. Bestiary is also one big mistake. If you think that you will ever need knowledge of any monster or to know its weakness you are mistaken. You need a dodge and silver sword. Besides that, you can so easily come to teleport and it is almost without any restrictions that the game becomes one big shortcut if there is a mage in the party. Traveling becomes meaningless. Any dangerous situation is pointless because you can teleport in an instant. You need 3 seconds and puf.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
The Witcher Pen & Paper RPG
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Edgerunners Inc.
by Jon T. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/05/2022 03:27:42

One of the classic R. Talsorian Cyberpunk source books. All you need to provide long-term employment for your ragtag band of misfits.

Set in Night City, of course, but there's nothing stopping you from transplanting it into the setting of your choice with little to no modifications.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Edgerunners Inc.
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The Witcher Pen & Paper RPG
by Lance H. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/24/2022 16:37:03

A great starting point for your own Witcher journey. I got the book before all the errata so I ended up getting the PDF to get a updated source.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Witcher Pen & Paper RPG
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Pacific Rim Sourcebook
by Jon T. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/30/2022 14:20:41

Well, since 1) I referee Cyberpunk 2020 games and 2) I actually live on the Pacific Rim and set my games in/around New Zealand towns I've lived in (with one notable exception when I set the game in Australia), I figured I'd buy this. Also, people said the Martial Arts rules were great.

I must say that the section on New Zealand was very well written. This book is a great addition to my collection of Cyberpunk 2020 source books.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Pacific Rim Sourcebook
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Cyberpunk RED
by Tommi T. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/19/2022 02:19:56

I gave Cyberpunk RED two stars because it has a LOT of fluff and interesting world-building. HOWEVER the system is practically the same as the original game, the characters are all one-trick ponies and the system does not support character growth. The hacking portion of the game is still action halting and a painful chore. Why on earth did they not use the excellent character development system in Cyberpunk 2077?!

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Cyberpunk RED
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The Witcher Pen & Paper RPG
by [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/18/2022 11:26:19

The Witcher TRPG is a terrible port of Cyperpunk to a fantasy setting with all interlock problems and many new issues. It has so many inconsistencies, so many bugs. The balance of the game is screwed. You can make archer and kill mobs instantly, shooting them in point-blank range. You can make a knight with armor and have your arm torn by a rat due to a dice explosion. If mage fumbles the roll and gets caught in fire, he dies instantly if not having armor. You can kill any mob with combo Stun + Strong Strike to the head. Half of the spells have such terrible wording that you will never guess how they work. Another half of the spells are unbalanced and useless. Most professional skills are total garbage that was never tested (Rolling against x3 Stat, just useless skills, skills that never happen to work). You can check Reddit for holywars and butthurt of players trying to homebrew all this mess to play it. Of course, here in comments and on the official discord server you will find many Cody's friends who will defend the system and argue with my thesis. Still, everybody has to admit: Witcher TRPG is a weak and unpopular system due to all this mess produced by a lack of playtesting and slack game design.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
The Witcher Pen & Paper RPG
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Witcher: Easy Mode
by Salim H. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/09/2022 16:06:51

It is a short adventure that does a good job of introducing you to the game and combat. If you want a longer play time and more social interaction you might want to homebrew that in.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Witcher: Easy Mode
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Cyberpunk RED
by Edward C. O. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/02/2021 16:22:01


After a year of play and running a couple of Red sessions myself. here is the rundown: this game is streamlined but vague and inconsistant about information and the book during play is a pain. it looks like cyberpunk, but it feels like a generic sci-fi game set in a dark future.

first positives: Netrunning is really fun! played a Netrunner and he was a blast to play, and it was simple and easy for my GM to run my character through the Net. it kept things interesting and my players kept an eye out for electronics for my Netrunner to jack into.

Combat is streamlined and it's cover mechanic is either you're in cover or not. i have mixed feelings about cover, because even when we tried partial cover it was difficult to call what worked. it is still just as deadlly but i would argue its not as deadly say, CP2020 where there's a hit location die to roll. Red has no fumble charts however for damage die rolls if you roll 2 nat 6s you do additional damage and give a critical injury. in a second game, my Nomad nearly died because of it.

alright so that's where the positives end, and i wish i could say this is the best Cyberpunk game, but it's both confusing and inconsistent with it's presentation. the book is poorly laid out, a lot of information is all over the place, and an appendice i feel will fix that issue, but there isn't one. next, combat is streamlined but it isn't as dynamic as say CP2020, and i don't want to compare to 2020 but there is a difference and you feel the difference. you have a move, minor, and standard action. the list of actions are limited which is kind of bizarre. maybe we read the rules wrong? maybe it's more dynamic? the rules aren't clear.

this is more of a personal nicpic, but a lot of the items are soo generic, there are in game world ads in the book, yet the weapons and armors aren't by a specific corporation? there is a way to convert weapons and armor from CP2020 to Red, but it kind of defeats the purpose if your current line up don't have much standing out. even the exotic weapons while brand names they're not over the top or even that exotic.

it is my theory, that they written the PDF format first before the book, because it feels like that. this game maybe with more supplements will make it better, but as it stands, it's just a cyberpunk for the 5e crowd. yes it's easier to understand, but how is it you don't have examples of specific skills and such that a GM or player can understand? too many times my gm had to stop the game to look up if a specific skill can work for a specific task, or was unsure if the chosen skill was correct. it's really weird. its not a bad game, if you enjoy it, great, but the criticism of it being a generic sci-fi game that's called Cyberpunk are valid as well.

would of run Cyberpunk Red again? maybe, if i were to run a Cyberpunk game, i probably would run a frankenstein game of Cyberpunk 2020/red game to fix some major issues. it is a good game, but if i were to recommend this or 2020, for beginners Red, then add 2020 for more unique styles and such.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Cyberpunk RED
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Cyberpunk RED Data Pack
by Aga M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/21/2021 13:30:26

Screemsheet, Hotspot, Safe House, and Luxury Vendor is good. We really need a RED Night City Sourcebook (also more stuff about the gangs would be great. the gangs are kinda the main draw for me personally)

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Cyberpunk RED Data Pack
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Cyberpunk Essentials [BUNDLE]
by Ted H. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/18/2021 14:33:17

Oh Sooo Beautiful!

So I'm coming into Cyberpunk backwards; long time DnD player that got and loves Cyberpunk 2077, my best friend got the CE and fell in love with everything, including the 2020 rulebook it came with, which immediately got her wanting to play the game even though she had no ttrpg experience. So I grabbed this bundle and I've fallen in love with it too! The game just screams bad-ass to me in a way DnD (for all my love of it) just doesn't. The features, the setting, the social landscape (no Woke here thank christ!), and that sleek sleek Chrome all give me a chance to be a part of something far greater than the 5E experience of "are Orcs black?!" and "You hit it with your sword, again". The three additional books (Blackhands weapons and the two combo volumes of Chromebook) have given my friends and I not just awesome gear to fight with, but cool ideas for roleplaying with (DataTel Image Wallet is a must for media and cops that want a badge to flash. It's 2020 after all!)

Cannot stress enough how worthwhile this bundle is even for first timers; none of us have felt overwhelmed by options, but all of us can't wait for that next big payout to gear up with new weapons, gadgets, and chrome!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Cyberpunk Essentials [BUNDLE]
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Interface RED
by Michael B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/14/2021 01:17:57

For the price I really wish I was getting a physical magazine, considering most of the PDF has already been released for free, and half of this comes as attachments when you get the Corebook from DTRPG... Here, you're basically just paying for the 7 pages of exclusive drones DLC, and the rest of the book is a compilation of all the free DLC so far into one document.

Having said that, the drones are really cool and useful, and all of the free DLC thus far as been awesome. If you don't need more drones (but of course you do), then you can download the rest of this book in segments from the R Tal website directly for free and save your cash...

....but if you DO want the drones, they're pretty sweet. They can be terrifying enemies for your PC's, tools for your NPC's to acomplish their objectives, and if your PC's can afford them, very rewarding tools for them to explore your world, if they can keep them without you as the GM destroying them. Even if you want to change the aethetics, but use the stat blocks, they're very useful. Ultimately, that is what you're paying for with this book.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Interface RED
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Cyberpunk RED Gamemaster Screen
by Michael B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/14/2021 00:51:56

I'd say this is great for both GM's and PCs to have as a quick reference. While I actually have the physical Data Screen, I'm going to print this out for my players to use at the table during combat to keep the game moving faster and cut down on "rules lawyering". I also really enjoy the artwork. Great value and a must have for any GM.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Cyberpunk RED Gamemaster Screen
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Micro Chrome
by Michael B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/14/2021 00:23:33

4 cool items to add to your game for less than 13 cents a pop. Worth it.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Micro Chrome
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Cyberpunk RED Data Pack
by Michael B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/14/2021 00:16:53

For Game Masters both experienced and new, this data pack is worth it's weight in gold! Tons of resources to open up the sandbox with the 20 things tables. Great screamsheet adventures that I will be incorporating into our campaign. If you're a GM this will help you bring a lot of joy to your players.

For players, I will say, this is a great gift for your Game Master for them to incorporate into your campaign, but do not look inside as this contains basically 100% spoilers.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Cyberpunk RED Data Pack
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