Upon reflection the author was correct and my previous review was unfair.
I have yet to fully test these rule to see how I personally find them but as a product it is everything it says it is with added adaption for foundryVTT.
Though I still maintain the sheets are not well optimized for ease of importing into foundryVTT requiring a abandoned module that you have to edit as well as also carefully copying and pasting each column in a google document as they are set side by side each other.
That aside several tables make no sense nor do they align with the core rules or even the rules set in the book of beasts.
For example the expanded hunting tables:
Rat (D+1,M1,P0)
What does D+1 mean?
What does M1 mean?
What does P0 mean?
It is not stated any where in the pdf that I have found, only by checking the google document to see the expanded acronym you see it means Dmg which is an acronym damage(?) I don't know.
The others are meat and pelt but then you run into the issue of Dmg not being referenced anywhere when hunting in the BoB or the core rule book on prey leaving you only to assume they meant difficulty.
These could be considered nit picky, but if I am paying for the product that requires me to also purchase a 50$ book (or 20$ module) for it to even be usable as it directly reference rules and systems in other books, then it needs to properly reference and follow the same format of those books unless explicitly making a new rule or changing existing rules.