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STA Captain's Log Solo Roleplaying Game (TNG Edition) PDF





The Captain’s Log Solo Roleplaying Game is a 326-page, full-color standalone PDF rulebook that provides a complete, streamlined version of the award-winning 2d20 System used for the Star Trek Adventures roleplaying game, which you can use to create your own Star Trek stories with a dynamic character formed from your own imagination.

Whether you are venturing into the cosmos alone, conducting Galaxy-spanning missions cooperatively with friends, or exploring the unknown with a gamemaster facilitating your adventures, use the guidance and random tables contained in Captain’s Log to generate countless hours of memorable adventures in the Star Trek universe.

Create an original character and then use the tools in this book, combined with your fertile imagination, to fashion your own fascinating Star Trek-style stories. Play in any era of Star Trek - from the 21st century to the 32nd century and everything in between. Explore strange new worlds, new civilizations, and all the wonders of the universe!

What will you discover while exploring the final frontier?

The 326-page, full-color Captain’s Log Solo Roleplaying Game PDF features:

  • A streamlined 2d20 ruleset that enables countless ways to play.
  • Lifepaths and roles for any type of character, not just Starfleet captains.
  • Story-driven solo gameplay that promotes drama in a safe space.
  • Star Trek primer including society, technology, and eras of play.
  • Rules for creating or randomizing your own starship or starbase.
  • Options to play the game solo, collaboratively with friends without a gamemaster, or collaboratively with a gamemaster
  • Guidance on implementing the rules and telling your own stories.
  • Over 100 random tables and storytelling matrixes usable in all kinds of games,
  • including alien worlds and polities, allies and enemies, mission themes, maintenance downtime, and so much more!
  • Available in four different covers inspired by your favorite Star Trek eras: the original series, The Next GenerationDeep Space Nine/Voyager, and Discovery

This PDF is a standalone product.


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Discussions (10)
Customer avatar
THOMAS MILARE M September 20, 2024 10:14 pm UTC
Is anyone getting black boxes covering the text in various places throughout the book, as though the images were placed over the text but not on a transparent layer?
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Ashley D January 08, 2024 9:01 am UTC
Is anyone else having a problem with ships completely missing most of their stats in this PDF? Like, both Systems and Departments showing far more empty boxes than not?
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Roland S September 17, 2023 12:58 am UTC
Do I need to buy each captain's log era edition to play in those eras?
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Jim J September 17, 2023 1:25 am UTC
You do not. Same book, four variant covers.
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Jordan S August 31, 2023 7:39 am UTC
The yes or no probability matrix on pg. 254 gives the example questions “How probable is it that
the force fields collapse under that assault?” and “What is the likelihood that my hiding place is effective?”... Could you explain how to answer these questions with the provided matrix when the only answers you can get are "yes" or "no"? Perhaps I'm not understanding a step?
LOVING the book and my first adventure!
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Jim J August 31, 2023 6:30 pm UTC
Hi Jordan, happy to help. As you work through scenes and encounters, you may come upon a situation that requires you to ask a question and consult the probability matrix.

You've erected a forcefield but it's under heavy barrage by the adversary. You wonder "how probable is it that the forcefields collapse under that assault?" You'd look at the table and maybe decide "Probable," all things considered.

The implicit question in there is "will the forcefields collapse?" Roll on the Yes/No table, and check the result against the Probable row. Rolling 1-15 means yes, the forcefields collapse; 16-20, they did not. Note that result, and then narrate the scene accordingly with that new information.

Same with the other example. You're hiding from Jem'Hadar soldiers in a wrecked shuttlebay. Is your hiding place any good? You might wonder "What's the likelihood that my hiding place is effective?" You look at the totality of the scene and maybe...See more
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Jordan S August 31, 2023 10:42 pm UTC
Thank you so much - that's exactly what I needed to make it click!!! In my mind, I was trying to figure out a way to get to a % answer, rather than using the probability to inform the "yes" or "no" answer. Thanks again!
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Jim J August 31, 2023 10:49 pm UTC
You’re welcome!
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Tim K August 14, 2023 11:52 am UTC
POD option any time do you think?
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Jim J August 14, 2023 12:29 pm UTC
No need. You can buy it in print at your local game store or or
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Tim K August 09, 2023 8:44 am UTC
Do you need the full rules for this, or does it work with the starter set?
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Jim J August 09, 2023 11:30 am UTC
This is a complete standalone rulebook; you don’t need anything else to play.

It is largely compatible with the starter set. The rules in Captain’s Log are streamlined compared to the starter.
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Paul W August 06, 2023 11:16 am UTC
On pages 85-88 you can roll for a random character focus. These rolls are 2d20 so results naturally will tend to be in the middle of the bell curve (20, 21, 22). But all the areas of focus are presented in the lists alphabetically. I would assume with an alphabetical list you would want an equal chance of each item?

These don’t seem consistent. The 2d20 rolls make sense for the task resolution mechanic but not for randomly selecting items on an alphabetical list. Is this an error? If not, why was it chosen? As written it tends to statistically favor items on the list that start with the letters in the middle of the alphabet.
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Jim J August 06, 2023 10:14 pm UTC
Not an error. If the results using the method provided don’t work for your needs, feel free to use another method to generate a result, or select your preferred option from the matrices. Thanks for the question!
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Jim J August 08, 2023 10:09 pm UTC
Update: We'll be randomizing the 2d20 focus tables (and the lone 3d20 table) in the next PDF revision cycle.
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Michael R August 05, 2023 3:10 am UTC
So traits are handled narratively? I did not see a part of the lifepath that included them. I did see them talked about. Just wanted to make sure. Ty. Really cool system so far.
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Jim J August 05, 2023 4:05 am UTC
The species you select serves as a trait, just as it does in STA. Klingon, Pakled, Vulcan, etc.

And yes, they're handled narratively.
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Michael R August 05, 2023 4:14 am UTC
thank you very much. Just finished first character. So smooth and well done.
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Jim J August 05, 2023 4:17 am UTC
So glad to hear it! Hope you have many amazing adventures, and I hope you find a place to share the stories online so we can all enjoy them.
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David R August 05, 2023 8:56 pm UTC
The example on page 167 has a ship trait working like a focus? Are ship traits different or is this an error? I really find the traits to be very badly explained. I had settled on them working as a kind of permission allow positive and negative outcomes that would otherwise be impossible. Like an an android who can make a roll to try and move something too heavy for a human. But then I read that example and am totally lost again.
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Jim J August 06, 2023 10:05 pm UTC
You’re correct; the example is in error. Landing struts is a trait enabling the ship to land. It wouldn’t act as a focus and wouldn’t impact the task attempt (other than to make it possible).

Will correct in errata, thanks!
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David R August 09, 2023 9:01 am UTC
Thank yout for answering. Helps a lot.
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David D August 03, 2023 9:57 pm UTC
Are the included solo rules portable enough that they could be used to play other 2d20 games solo (i.e. Fallout 2d20)?
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Jim J August 03, 2023 11:40 pm UTC
Possibly? We were focused on Star Trek and didn’t test the ruleset with other IPs. Give it a try and let us know how it goes.
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Wade DrivethrRPG T August 03, 2023 3:26 pm UTC
Just want to verify before purchasing, each version is the same except for the cover.
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Jonathan A August 03, 2023 3:36 pm UTC
Yes. From the publisher's website... "Available in four different covers inspired by your favorite Star Trek eras: the original series, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine/Voyager, and Discovery. The interior content is the same for each version."
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Jim J August 03, 2023 4:54 pm UTC
Correct. Thanks Jonathan A for the quick response.
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Wade DrivethrRPG T August 03, 2023 5:13 pm UTC
Thanks, I thought but glad to confirm. Now I need just a coin to flip for which looks the prettiest to me. :)
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